She is s beauty! I guess I had no idea that you were frozen in place without a car to drive. I learned both at the same time and have always had a stick in the house. I love to drive them on the backroads.
I am so happy to hear of your new set of wings!! Happy Trails to you!!
The beach is such a wonderful place for the pups. A little time running of that pent up energy is good for man and beast.What a beautiful sight your beach is.
Thrilled with "chunky", comfortable and sounds solid unlike some vehicles of late.
I make the worst co-pilot in the world, run my mouth, push "air" brakes, give direction to hubby all the time.
Now it's time I do some driving, perhaps help lower my blood pressure, but hell there are idiots on our roads.... perhaps wishful thinking! 😂
Thanks for the wishes, with Autumn approaching will be sure to go out on more walks in to share new experiences.