Really cool pics bro, love the lushious green. Did you give a name to that little guy?
I also have wisteria at home, it's my all time favorite too! In South Africa they have something similar, Bougainvillier, I don't know if you've heard of it, he also was an explorer if I remember correctly.
My wife names all of our backyard critters...and all of our house plants lol. She called him Nelson or Nelly if its a girl haha. I would have called him hedgy the hedgehog or the more obvious choice of Sonic.
I've never heard of Bougainvillier but apparently there are like 10 different varieties of wisteria and its on almost every continent so it doesn't surprise me that its in South Africa.
OOOh that cute Nelson, it's a bit like Wilson in Castaway...
I had a hedegog visitor when I was a kid in my residence, his name was Sonic.
One day he died rolling down the hill 😲. I buried him in a shoe box. But then being a kid, a few months later I was curious about body decompisition (very heatlhy child I was) and I dug out the box to check my buddy. I must have been grossed out for the rest of my life, because I still remember it up to that day.
That's bougainvillier, or bougainvillea
That would be nasty to see 🤢
Bones are interesting (in general) but decomposition... not so much. Lol
That vine is beautiful. Now I know what its called if I ever see it. Thanks.