Walk Around The Lake...Twice!!

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago




A good tactic, to make sure that you don't get bossed around by yours kids, is to divide & conquer.

These smart gremlins tend to be effective at creating chaos, while in group. That's why, I took my son for a walk, and left the 2 other kids at home, one was napping with her mum, the other finishing her class.

We went to the nearest lake, and wanted to see if we could make it all around the lake without being too tired. We did!

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Of course, with filters, you can tell all sort of stories, but I really enjoy the wide variety of colors, during that time. We're right at the end of winter and soon entering Spring, so nature is right between death and rebirth, 2 very different states.

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It's amazing how a little bit of sun changes the mood, and increase the temperature by 10 degrees, as I know in the next few days, we will have some rain, we try to take advantage of those warm moments.


Sitting on the bench next to my son, I realize that we never spend much time just the 2 of us, as his sisters are always here. It's incredible how much he just soak in everyday, sometimes I say something just once, and he repeat it word for word to his sister.



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What's funny is that we had a painting in South Africa, with a very similar road as the one below, with the trees.
When we looked at the surrounding area before moving in, I remember checking on google map and see that road, it was one of these moments of synchronicity.

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This tree is just gigantic:


I think some trees are so majestic, there should be wooden statues carved in their honor, or maybe made of stone, or bronze to stay environmentally friendly.



If anyone knows what those giant spider webs are, let me know in the comment section. Could it be a squirrel that got caught by a giant spider? That was my son take on it. 🤣



Neo was super proud to walk around the entirety of the lake, which is I am sure at least a kilometer or two. I knew someone that was crossing the lake by swimming, but I don't think I would be able to hahaha.


I thought those flags look pretty neat. Notice that one of them is in shambles, it reminds me of a pirate flag 😁



Bonus Day

Well it was to be expected, the 2 sisters wanted to go back to the same spot the next day, so here we go again for a second round haha.

This time with one of the dog, the friendliest one to make sure we don't get myself too much stress.



We didn't go all the way around this time, and just found a bench to sit on, enjoy the water, eat some fruits.








We will never know what Jack found in the hole, because it was time to go home.

It will rain tomorrow, and for the rest of the week! Yay!


A good tactic, to make sure that you don't get bossed around by yours kids, is to divide & conquer.

That is a tactic that always works!

Have you noticed that this tree looks like a giant dinosaur?


If anyone knows what those giant spider webs are, let me know in the comment section.

Ok, the spider thing you asked. That is not a spider web! Those are the nests of caterpillars you would not like to have close to you. I am serious.

The nests you show in your photos seem identical to those we have here in Spain, and they are called Pine Processionary caterpillars. I found a link in English, please check it out. Dont allow your kids or dogs to come in touch with them, or even close to them, either you. The season of them is right now, well from December to April.

Please compare the photos from this link with those you have made.

Take care and avoid those nasty toxic caterpillars!!

Yep, the spider webs are definitely caterpillars. I didn't know that they were toxic though.
In Canada there are tons of trees with caterpillar nests in them at certain times of the year (spring probably) but they aren't usually a toxic variety. They do a lot of damage to the trees though, basically eat all the leaves on them.

Yes, these ones are toxic. Not all of the varieties are toxic of course, as you say in Canada a lot of caterpillars are around. I haven't met these ones until we came to Spain, and it was a surprise for us too.

Yes! He looks like Denver, the last dinosaur, do you know about him?

Regarding the caterpillars, you are very right, it looks very similar. We already warned the kids not to touch any caterpillars, as we often have black hairy ones crawling about, around the house.

Thanks for the comment and take care!

Aha, Denver, the last dinosaur :) I was a child once back in time too lol.

Good, so you knew about caterpillars, well at least those black hairy ones (are those toxic ones too or? )

hehehehe thank you for bringing me on the walk with your fam!

the orange-flavored-smile was one of my favorite pics hehehe

the other favorite - the first one - with those wispy clouds descending

and gotta love the one with your son staring at that massive tree hehehehe

really special times - and i'm so glad that the first day was just you and him. as parents we really don't realize sometimes how those one-on-one times are TREASURES to be remembered for a lifetime hehehehe

Hahah my pleasure!

I feel that I need to tell you the truth about the wispy clouds descending, it's fake! It's someone making a fire on the shores, and it looks like a cloud. I am a fraud... 😁

relly special times - and i'm so glad that the first day was just you and him. as parents we really don't realize sometimes how those one-on-one times are TREASURES to be remembered for a lifetime hehehehe

Interesting, I really feel that's my mission in this lifetime, being able to find the right words, and the patience to teach, which has never been my forte.

Thanks for passing by!

A double whammy of walks in this post it’s such a beautiful area fir a walk
Maybe be your son is right about the squirrel getting caught

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

Thanks for passing by, it was a really enjoyable one! HAhah someone told me that it's a caterpillar, maybe catching squirrel, who knows! Cheers dude!



Hehe - Not sure where you are but the weather looks awesome. Felt like I was walking with. Your kids look adorable - very nice of you to put out such a personal post. Thursday here - maybe a Thursday walk is on the cards for me.

Hey there! Thanks for your comment Jo! I imagine your usual "walk" is at least 50km on a bike, right? 😆

The nests are processionary caterpillars, be careful of them. If you see them walking nose to tail in a line stay well clear, can really hurt people, can kill dogs. The nests can be dangerous as well if disturbed.

Edit. That sound d a bit grim, they are only dangerous as caterpillars, the moths are totally harmless once they develop. So it's only arround April/ may that you get them in general. So that's a plus. Much love to you all. Happy walks!

processionary caterpillars

I had to google this after reading your comment - I had no idea. Nature is amazing eh.

Lol it didn't sound grim, and you were right to warn us about it.

We also found some black ones at home, and were very cautious about it as they look nasty. Even the cat didn't dare to touch it.

Thanks nonetheless, your concern is much appreciated my friend!

Nice walk man. I'm not a parent but I do think it's a good idea to spend quality time with kids individually sometimes so that they feel special.

Great photos by the way. The one of the road below the part whereyou mention synchronicity is really cool.

Hey buddy! I agree with ya, it made me feel special too haha.

Thanks for the compliment, it's also my fav, I might frame it, and make it big, and put it in our kitchen, the same way it was in our kitchen in South Africa haha.

Cheers dude!

Great walk around the lake…
And your tactic works well 😊 until the rest want too hahahaha

And then you did it all over again. Looks like some lovely days spent there.
Lovely little flowers. 🌸

Hey little bee! How are you?

Yeah as you said haha, it's ok though, I don't mind going back if the weather is good!

The flowers were great, I might have turned the blue filter on (shhhh it's a secret)!

I’m good, hope you too.Hi @edprivat 😊

Yep, as long as the weather is nice ☀️
Thanks for letting me know the secret 🤫 😉
Have a wonderful day!

It looks like Spring is much closer to you than me and what a lovely day out.

Those 'webs' are dreaded caterpillars and when I see them of a season I get frustrated as it means the leaves with be eat up something fierce, we had a bad case of them a few years back and the apple trees and all were decsimated, ah well, Nature eh? Thanks for the lovely walk so nice to see the flowers too.

Thanks for warning me about the caterpillars, I'll make sure to avoid them as much as I can, and hope they don't go after our apple trees.

They seem to enjoy pine trees though.

It looks like Spring is much closer to you than me and what a lovely day out.

We got lucky though, it's back to full rain, and freezing temp at night! Oh well!

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And I'm chiming in with the others. Pine trees in the South-West of France from Automn to Winter have the famous Chenille Processionnaire😬 Stay far away from it as the hairs can fly off in the wind and hit you, your dog, your kids then anaphylactic shock, swelling, etc (need for an epipen guarenteed)😳 Your dog could even lose its tongue or die.

They affect le pin in the South-West in Fall-Winter and la Chêne in the South-East in Spring/Summer.
The other trees pommiers, cerisiers, etc can be affected by many other much less dangerous caterpillars so not to be afraid of all caterpillars, but these, yes! https://sante.journaldesfemmes.fr/fiches-sante-du-quotidien/2551600-chenille-processionnaire-chene-urticante-carte-piqure-danger-bouton-pin-traitement-periode/

BTW your kids are cute as hell😍 Just love the orange smile🍊🤗