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RE: Wednesday Walk a foggy Morning at Fort Tabor

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Hope is well with you, wishing you a joyful week. Here's the link to my entry in this week's challenge.Happy Wednesday @tattoodjay, just got back home after spending part of the winter in sunny Florida. We did lots of walking on the beach while there so I wanted to share with the community.


Thanks all is well with us, I hope all is well with you
I just saw your post thanks for sharing the link, and it was such a nice post indeed one that makes a person smile :)

Hey Jay, those little ones sure do make me smile, glad we put a grin on your face as well.
Nice to hear you guys are doing well, Spring is right around the corner, can't wait until all the snow has melted and I can get out walking again here in Upstate. If you're wondering, we got back from Florida a week ago, only to have 16 inches of snow fall the day after we got here. YUCK
From white sand to white snow, welcome home😁

That’s not a great welcome home with all that snow
But it finally looks like the weather is turning and starting to warm up