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RE: Wednesday Walk the Sawmill

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Indeed the looks do really deceive us, I was actually thinking it was hot, but I was totally wrong.

These images are always beautiful, I love it and those clouds showing in them are just it for me. I finally got to see the entrance of the park, hehe, it's beautiful and neat too 🏞️☺️.

Nice walk JJ, it's a good thing you could go out for a walk during this season, so cold 🥶🥶.


Ohh yeah officially winter hasnt even started yet and I am struggling with the cold LOL

Hahaha, that's really funny, let's how your body adapts quickly to it before then, hehe

yes indeed we do adjust and get used to the colder weather, and I am hoping that is the case

Yeah, I hope so too, hehe.