Walk to Control Rice Fields

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Greetings, how are you friends,hope you are well. I share my experience of going to the rice Fields to check on the rice plants. The location is on the outskirts of the small town of Sukabumi, West Java, about 15 minutes from home by vehicle.


Currently Indonesia is entering the rainy season, Farmers have started planting lowland rice. The plants require a lot of water but rice plants are not water plant, once a week I go to the rice field to see the progress of the rice plants.

Usually I go to the rice Fields at around 7 in the morning, after arriving at the location, I walk around the rice Fields through the land galengan which is quite small, this galengan road also acts as a Border for the rice Fields.


The rice that I planted is only about a month old from when it was planted. There are water channels there are no pests quite fertile, we can see it from the color of the leaves.


After finishing controlling the rice Fields the land next door and there was a farmer who was quite old who was working on cultivating. The land for gardening vegetable plants such as land spinach, water spinach vegetable plants reach the age of about one month.



And can be harvested with a Harvest period of up to four Harvest, besides when planting vegetables, there is a hut which is used as a place for them to rest and store agricultural tools. These vegetable garden Farmers work from 6 am and only work 12 noon, the rest of their time is for other activities at home.


I went to the rice field are last Sunday, the rice field and vegetable garden are is located on the edge of the river. In the rainy season the river water flows quite fast, it is used by the children to play together looks happy, Coincidentally the children are on holiday from school on Sunday.




Thank you for your reading.
Happy days.Thank you Wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay.

Wednesday 4 December 2024.


Waahh Kang @hsidik Masih konsisten euy 👍 mantap. Aku mau dong diajak nonton acara panenan ntar 😁

Woow...kemana saja mba? mudah-mudahan sehat aamiin, senang bisa bertemu kembali...gini aja untuk latih pikiran biar pikiran ngga nganggur, sekarang @cicisaja di bandung atau Cimahi kalau ngga salah. Salam.

Saya Masih di Pamulang tangsel Kang, lagi sibuk di real life tempo hari dan nggak mood nulis. Insya Allah sekarang sudah lebih leluasa Dan bisa ngeblog lagi

It's good to know that you've gone to visit and check on your rice field. I loved seeing the growth of the plants. Beautiful shots.
Thank you very much for sharing this experience of Wednesday's walk.How are you, dear friend @hsidik?

@jlufer good news, hope you are also good. Yes as a farmer of course you take care of the field and control them, when the rice is harvested, some is sold and some is for family consumption. Thank you for your attention. Happy days. Greetings.