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RE: While doing my “WednesdayWalk” I enjoy sports activities (Es-Eng)

in Wednesday Walklast year

Siempre trato de equilibrar un poco las cosas, cada vez que visito a un profesional medico trato de terminar en un lugar hermoso de la ciudad
La idea no es volver a casa con toda la tension que provoca ocuparse de la salud, trato regresar a casa con las emosiones equilibradas, y visitar lugares como este, y hacer fotografias, es mi manera de qulibrar las emosiones
Muchas gracias por el gran apoyo que siempre men brindas
Que tengas una hermosa mañana

I always try to balance things a little, every time I visit a medical professional I try to end up in a beautiful place in the city.
The idea is not to come home with all the tension that comes with taking care of your health, I try to come home with balanced emotions, and visiting places like this, and taking photographs, is my way of releasing emotions.
Thank you very much for the great support you always give me.
Have a beautiful morning