Keep walking bru!

in Wednesday Walk10 days ago

I needed more outdoors was the conclusion. The couch had been my habitat for just a bit too long and I needed to get outside for some new input in my brain. I went to look for new walks in the area not that far away, but also where I haven't been so much as yet.

Discovering stuff is the new dopamine right?

I went on a little tour in the area with the dog in the back of the car to search for a spot to park and start walking from. The major problem: enough entrances to the fields, but no space to put the car without letting it sink into nomansland as it is still really muddy.

With a little creativity it was time to take off and go. I love these kinds of willows and even closer to the water you have these weeping willows hanging over. They have some kind of vibe over them that has something sad but also magical.


I can kind of made a bit of a miscalculation on how the weather was outside. When you look at the clouds and skies it looks all friendly, but the reality was that there was a freezing eastern wind which literally made my eyes water. At that point it was a bit of a decision to walk a bit more between the trees for less wind, or make it a smaller lap.

That was not really an option as you could see in these fields and also because it devided by a couple of small rivers, there were not a lot of sneaking and taking a sidepath kinds of options.

I ran into some teenager who was walking with a white shepard. Usually my dog isn't all that fond of other dogs, but for some reason he likes white German shepards and isn't scared of them. The kid told me that the dog was still a puppy as it was only about a year old and he liked to challenge other dogs.

And exactly that challenging, that is what he did a lot. The shepard literally high fived my dog on its back which usually would cause a gigantic scene but it didn't this time. They started running and playing and it was really fun to watch.

The downside of this....they both looked like total swines after running and chasing around as you can see as they jumped into a couple of pools. Normally my dog has white paws but there was nothing to see out of this anymore

It's all fine, they were just having a lot of fun and it was cool to see my dog happy playing with another one.

But uhhh

The funny thing was that a couple of time I said something like 'owke, I will be walking on now' but the kid didn't really get this social hint and continued to walk with me, which eventually was also fine.

The landscape was beautiful and I can't wait to also see this place when everything is in bloom again. Now it still looks a bit pale but it looks like this will change quite soon actually.

We even ran into a big stork pole which I guess soon this will be habited as well in the spring time. The funny thing is that the kid had no idea what this was. I guess these guys really are not used to being outside anymore at all.

So for a random walk on a random day just running into stuff this one was actually quite successfull. I guess I will take this into consideration when hunting for other places to walk around in the upcoming times.

Discovering is actually the real dopamine.


Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day