My Wednesday❤️

in Wednesday Walk10 months ago

Hello, hivers, and good day! How are you? I hope you're doing well. Here's my new blog about Wednesday. Feel free to read it, and don't forget to support it.

It was May 29, 2024, and it was our dance competition for Physical Education 2. Our opponents were all first-year college students of CTU Naga Extension Campus, which I mentioned in my last blog. I felt excited and at the same time, a little bit nervous because, of course, we will compete with nine contingents from different courses.

We had our blocking at exactly 8 a.m. together with our Physical Education Coordinator, Ms. Renelie Panzo, a faculty member of CTU Naga. After the blocking, we were told by our coordinator that we need to find a classroom to prepare everything, including our make-up and, of course, our costumes. We rented costumes, and the total amount we paid was 470 pesos, which covered the price of the costumes, snacks, and water after the dance competition.


Later on, we already found a room and came inside the classroom of our math teacher, so by 10 a.m.–11 a.m., all of us ate our lunch as early as we could because we had a lot of things to do and to prepare. All the girls should have the same lipstick, so at this moment I took a picture of myself, haha, and I am already done doing my make-up alone. All my girls classmates were too busy just to look good for the said competition.


Fast forward: at exactly 3:00 p.m. in the afternoon, the competition will start, so we arrived at the venue at exactly 2:30 p.m., and our section was the first one to arrive. The venue of the competition was beside Children's Park, which I also mentioned in my last blog.


Later on, other sections already arrived, and after an hour of waiting, finally the dance competition was started. We are the 9th contingent who will dance at last, so the dance competition was street dancing and was similar to the Dagitab Festival, but we had the same music, which is "Naga atong garbo," which was played throughout the whole presentation.


So the 1st contingent already danced and the 2nd contingent must getting ready. The competition started, but of course we will be the last one to present. The photographer saw us, and he took a picture of the other course, and of course he took a picture of us. As you can see in the picture, his page indicated on the down side at the left named "ISO VISUAL." He took pictures of us again and again, so what we did was to smile haha.


Fast forward, it was time to perform, so we started dancing at the entrance of the venue, going to the middle. I was nervous at that time; I was afraid what if I forgot the actions? haha, but thank God we made it, and a lot of people were amazed by our performance. The music has ended, so we stand by on the left side of the venue. After everything else, it was the announcement of winners, and all our worries, misunderstandings, pressure, efforts, and sacrifices during the practice and the actual competition paid off.

grateful to you🙏🤍

We won again as the champions of the dance competition. Our final grade in our physical education subject was based on the performance we had during the competition, and we won, so we got a 1.0 grade. After hearing the result, we were so happy, and we jumped because of joy we had during that time. The last semester we had was also a dance competition, and we won, and now the last semester, which is the 2nd semester, we are the champions again, and we're so grateful to God for hearing all of our prayers.

Children can communicate their thoughts, feelings, and ideas via dance, which is both creative and expressive. Students can use movement and expression to explore their emotions, increase their self-esteem, and create their personal identities.

This is all for now, hivers. Thank you so much for reading it until the end. See you on my next blog. bye!

Some photos are from ISO VISUAL photography📷

You people look pretty 😍😀

thank you

Welcome 🤗🤗

Congratulations Ma'am @kyla-bacarro good job. You all look beautiful

thank you maam

Congratulations @kyla-bacarro, you all did great.❤️✨