Hello Friends, and Welcome Back!
Hoping you had a Blessed and Safe
Wednesday (Mid-Week), wishing You a Happy Thursday as well, and Thank You for your visit!
ππΌπππΌAlso A Big "Thank You" to @tattoodjay for runnung this - "Thank You to you"!
So I jumped on the bike and headed to the Park.
This is a look towards the JFK Causeway in the late afternoon Sun,Well my friends for this week's #wednesdaywalk I went back over to the Park on the Green bike. Again, a time issue - and it was getting late!
Also if you make the photo larger, a Heron is flying by....
After circling it decided on the Pier as a good landing spot, but... Another Heron was already there...
It got chased away...
And leaving the area,
A look over at the Breeding Pond as the Sun goes down,
Well the other Heron was holding it's ground,
And a little closer,
Finally it got tired of being watched and took off as well,
The Curlycup gumweed are still blooming, so here are a few photos of those as well,
And here,
Another look towards the Breeding Pond, and it is starting to get a little darker,
But still bright to the South,
And finally the Sun going down from the end of my street,
And that was it for this week, I hooe you enjoyed the photos and I want to thank you again for your visit and wish you a Very Blessed, Happy, and Safe week!
Please Take Care of Your Loved Ones!
2024All photos property of @lesmann
All Images property of,
No Commercial Reproduction,
Without Written Permission...
Β©2024 @lesmann
good Morning, Herons like there space, there coo to see but often just in the distance they dont like lettign people get too close to them
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day
Beautiful walk