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RE: Wednesday Walk

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

I think it’s similar here in southern Spain than where you are. ☀️🌸😊
Flowers came up early. Temperatures around 18 degrees Celsius some places 21 degrees Celsius. Sunny, hardly no rain… already the government is worried. The lakes (for drinking water and to provide the fields with water) are dangerously low. Normally we have in the winter enough rain to recover from the summer months. The last years, it didn’t happen. This year goes into the books as driest. Climat change…The weather is changing everywhere at the moment @silversaver888


Oh, oh!
It rained a bit in California. Still it is not enough.
We are still facing drought!
Maybe not as bad as Spain.
I will pray for rain for you and your area, @Littlebee4 🙏

It’s like here I hear. Also a drought.
Thank you for your kindness, much appreciated 😊
Let it rain 🌧 ☔️🌦 at both places and all that need it.Good it rained a bit in California @silversaver888 😊