The fog gives the photographs that little extra mood. Especially when the lights are disappearing slowly in it in the distance.
To bad the weather wasn’t great and you had to wipe moist of your lens. Luckily you still did this walk. 😊 thanks for sharing…Beautiful walk @tattoodjay. It looks like it was really early.
My walk: “Walk ~ RIOFRÍO to its convergence with RIO GENIL, Granada province, Spain”
Have a great day… 👋🏻☀️
yea most of my walks i head out early before sunrise, its the time of day I love walking the most
have a great day and thanks for sharing your link
It is quiet and serene than… I can imagine.You are welcome @tattoodjay 😊
Ohh yes so true so peaceful and calm
I like places like that… 😊