I Love Walking in the Countryside (ESP/ENG)

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


(Portada diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva)

Cover designed by me in canva editor

Hello friends, here I am again with you to share my experience while walking in the countryside. I must confess that I am not much of a nature lover as I don't like insects and even have a phobia of some of them, but that doesn't stop me, taking precautions, from enjoying all the beauty that such a healthy and relaxing environment as the countryside can offer to this city girl.

Hola amigos, aquí estoy de nuevo con ustedes para compartir mi experiencia mientras paseo por el campo. Debo confesar que no soy muy amante de la naturaleza ya que no me gustan los insectos e incluso les tengo fobia a algunos de ellos, sin embargo eso no evita que, tomando precauciones yo pueda disfrutar de toda la hermosura que un ambiente tan sano y relajante como el campo le puede ofrecer a esta chica citadina.


Whenever we go to visit grandma in the village, my family and I can't help but go for a walk in the countryside, to get a bit of exercise, get out of the routine, breathe fresh air and look at the beautiful scenery. We leave very early to take advantage of the walk, the weather is almost always very cold at that time of the morning, so we need to be warm, but the mountains are adorned for us with their best green suits and their shawls of mist.

Siempre que vamos a visitar a la abuela en el pueblo, mi familia y yo no podemos evitar salir a dar un paseo por el campo, nos sirve para hacer un poco de ejercicio, salir de la rutina, respirar aire fresco y mirar el precioso paisaje. Salimos muy temprano para aprovechar el paseo, el clima casi siempre es muy frío a esa hora de la mañana, por lo que requerimos de estar abrigados, pero las montañas se adornan para nosotros con sus mejores trajes verdes y sus chales de niebla.


On this occasion we find a bit of everything, landscapes that are a bit deserted, with a large sheet.

En esta ocasión encontramos de todo un poco, paisajes un poco desierto, con una extensa sábana.

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And dry river beds because of the drought that plagues the place, but every place I found was beautiful in its own way. Best of all is the fresh air, although as we moved on and the sun left its shelter in the east, we had to shed our coats, but the sky was getting bluer and the birds were getting more cheerful.

Y lechos de río seco a causa de la sequía que flagela al lugar, pero cada lugar que encontré me pareció hermoso a su manera. Lo mejor de todo es el aire fresco aunque a medida que avanzábamos y el sol iba abandonando su refugio en el este, nos tuvimos que despojar de los abrigos , pero el cielo se iba tornando más azul y los pájaros se escuchaban más alegres.

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Look at those beautiful coffee and banana plantations in the distance, they are just beautiful. One of my cousins told me that because of the drought some people have to hire a tanker truck to keep their plantations hydrated.

Miren esas hermosas plantaciones de café y plátano a lo lejos, son simplemente preciosas. Uno de mis primos me dijo que debido a la sequía hay personas deben contratar un camión sisterna para mantener hidratados sus plantaciones

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Those who have more purchasing power, like companies for example, resort to greenhouses like these, they are simply beautiful, I really enjoyed passing by this place.

Los que tienen mayor poder adquisitivo como las empresas por ejemplo, recurren a los invernaderos como estos, son simplemente hermosos, me gustó mucho pasar por ese lugar.

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On this beautiful road there are many bushes that people can take advantage of as they pass by, in my case I found something that I love.

En esta carretera preciosa hay muchos arbustos que la gente puede aprovechar a su paso, en mi caso encontré algo que me encanta.

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It is a kind of very small wild tomatoes, which taste quite sour at first, but you can make a delicious sauce with them and if you add a little sugar you can counteract the sourness.

Es una especie de tomates silvestres muy pequeños, cuyo sabor es bastante ácido en un principio, pero puedes hacer una deliciosa salsa con ellos y si les añades un poco de azúcar puedes contrarrestar la acidez.

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According to my research, its scientific name is Solanum sibundoyense and it can provide many health benefits for those who consume it, as it is an excellent antioxidant, helps fight cancer, increases resistance to infections, is good for improving eyesight, combats high blood pressure, prevents heart disease and helps the growth of the muscular and nervous system, so of course I took the opportunity to collect as many as I could. I have always loved the taste of this berry, but after learning how good it is for your health, I like it even more.

Según estuve investigando, su nombre científico es Solanum sibundoyense y puede otorgar muchísimos beneficios para la salud de quien lo consume ya que es un excelente antioxidante, ayuda a combatir el cáncer, aumenta la resistencia a las infecciones, es bueno para mejorar la vista, combate la hipertensión arterial, previene las enfermedades cardiacas y ayuda al crecimiento del sistema muscular y nervioso, así que desde luego aproveché para recoger todos los que pude. Siempre me ha encantado el sabor de esta baya, pero después de saber lo buena que es para la salud, me gusta todavía más.

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I also got some onoto seeds, in other countries this is known as "achiote" and is used as a natural food colouring.

También conseguí algunas semillas de onoto, en otros países esto es conocido como "achiote" y se usa como colorante alimenticio natural.

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And the flowers we encountered along the way were so beautiful, I simply couldn't pass up the opportunity to admire them and capture them with the camera lens.

Y las flores que encontramos en nuestro camino eran bellísimas, simplemente no podía dejar pasar la oportunidad de admirarlas y capturarlas con el lente de la cámara.

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Later my uncle invited us to his farm to visit him and offered us tamarind from his tree. This fruit is extremely acidic, but with a lot of sugar you can make a very delicious juice to combat the midday heat.

Posteriormente mi tío nos invitó a su finca para visitarlo y nos ofreció tamarindo de su árbol, esta fruta es extremadamente ácida, pero con mucha azúcar puedes hacer un jugo muy delicioso para combatir el calor del mediodía.

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It was a very fun, enjoyable and profitable walk, I am a city girl but I like the tranquility and health that the countryside can offer us, not to mention how beautiful it is and how good you can feel when the cool breeze swirls your hair and It takes away your worries and fears, nature is the best connection bridge with God.

Fue una salida muy divertida, amena y provechosa, soy una chica de ciudad pero me gusta la tranquilidad y salud que el campo nos puede ofrecer, sin mencionar lo hermoso que es y lo bien que te puedes sentir cuando la brisa fresca arremolina tus cabellos y se lleva lejos tus preocupaciones y miedos, la naturaleza es el mejor puente de conexión con Dios.

This has been all for today's walk friends, I hope you liked it and that you too are encouraged to do this kind of enriching walks if you have the opportunity, our planet is beautiful, we just have to take care of it to enjoy it and live in perfect harmony and symbiosis. Thank you very much for your attention and support, I hope you have a great weekend. Blessings! 😊

Esto ha sido todo por el paseo de hoy amigos, espero que les haya gustado y que se animen ustedes también a hacer este tipo de paseos enriquecedores i tienen la oportunidad, nuestro planeta es precioso, solo tenemos que cuidarlo para poder disfrutarlo y vivir en una perfecta armonía y simbiosis. Muchas gracias por su atención y su apoyo, espero que tengan un estupendo fin de semana ¡Bendiciones! 😊

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(Image designed by me in canva editor)

Imagen diseñada por mi en el editor de Canva.

All images in this post are my own, taken with my LGK4 Lite mobile phone.

Todas las imágenes de este post son de mi propiedad, las tomé con mi teléfono celular LGK4 Lite.


Hola amiga @mairene1 , encantadora reseña, me encanta la naturaleza, quisiera probar esas bayas, y con un clima agradable. Besos y Abrazos.

Sí, la verdad es que el clima es estupendo y las bayas deliciosas, los paseos por el campo son renovadores y enriquecedores. 😊 Muchas gracias por leer y comentar.

If the weather is great doing yhis is seriously a lot of fun, you can enjoy the fresh air, the smell of nature and everything there is to enjoy. Ahhhh, I feel like doing that noe. Sadly we are living along the highway with logs lf building 😆

Yes, walking in the countryside is definitely very healthy because it helps you to release stress and routine. I'm a city girl, but every now and then it's good for me to go to the countryside to relax.

I think that is the best way to release stress, right?😁

Yes, that's rigth. I really enjoy every time we go to the countryside 😊

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, Sorry last week was a bit rough for me and I not only did not get out for any walks, but also was not able to visit all the walks from last week, but feeling better this week and visiting posts again which is always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

Yes, that's why I love this community, because it allows me to get to know many new and beautiful places without leaving my home, there are beautiful pictures of paradisiacal places, I'm very glad you visited mine, thank you very much. 😃

MY pleasure to visit your post and glad you are enjoying the community

I agree walking inthe countryside is great and good for ones body mind and soul

you walked a beautiful and interesting area those are pretty impressive greenhouses

Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones


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El equipo de curación del PROYECTO ENTROPÍA