Hiking in the company of friends - [ESP/ENG]

in Wednesday Walk5 months ago

Hola! Muy buenas, espero que se encuentren bien el día hoy, quería poder compartirles esta actividad que tuve con mis amigos, que salió de forma improvisada, donde hicimos senderismo en el Ávila por una ruta llamada Sabas Nieves, les cuento un poco la experiencia.

Llegamos al inicio de la subida, donde pasamos por un túnel decorado con un mosaico de una guacamayas, dando la bienvenida al lugar y se puede sentir el cambio de ambiente, de un lado a otro; es decir, sentir que entras en otro mundo después de estar en un entorno urbano y me encanta esa sensación de paz y tranquilidad.

Hello! Hi, I hope you are all well today. I wanted to share with you this activity I had with my friends, which came out improvised, where we went hiking in Ávila along a route called Sabas Nieves. I'll tell you a little about the experience.
We arrived at the start of the climb, where we went through a tunnel decorated with a mosaic of a macaw, welcoming us to the place and you can see the change of atmosphere, from one side to the other; that is, you feel like you're entering another world after being in an urban environment and I love that feeling of peace and tranquility.


Empezamos a subir por la ruta que al inicio comenzaba suave para ir calentando, que mientras continuabas subiendo, aumentaba un poco la dificultad que aprovechan muchas personas de ejercitar o simplemente pasar un dia agradable. Yo ya tenía experiencia en senderismo, junto con otros del grupo pero para otros era su primera vez subiendo e iban a su propio ritmo y les ayudaba a subir por las rutas, que las risas no faltaron cada vez que alguien se cai.

We started to climb the route, which at first started off easy to warm up, and as we continued uphill, the difficulty increased a bit, which many people take advantage of to exercise or simply spend a nice day. I already had experience in hiking, along with others in the group, but for others it was their first time climbing and they went at their own pace and I helped them climb up the routes, and there was no shortage of laughter every time, someone fell






Lo importante que adoro de la subida, es la vista de Caracas desde lo alto, se sentía la libertad y el aire puro. Mucha gente aprovechaba de tomarse fotos y yo no iba a desaprovechar la oportunidad, sobre todo en una torre de electricidad que se encontraba y la gente aprovechaba de descansar, sobre todo mis amigos que no aguantaban mucho jejeje 😅.

The most important thing I love about the climb is the view of Caracas from the top, you could feel the freedom and the fresh air. Many people took advantage of the opportunity to take photos and I was not going to miss the opportunity, especially on an electricity tower where people took advantage of the opportunity to rest, especially my friends who couldn't stand it for long hahaha 😅.






La parte difícil terminó, pero todavía quedaba otro camino por recorrer, porque para poder relajarnos decidí guiarlos por un camino que llevaba a un pequeño río que caía por una cascada en el Ávila. Al entrar, uno empieza a notar la belleza de la naturaleza, como había mencionado antes, entrabas en otra realidad única, como si una historia de fantasía se tratará, como los colores de los árboles vibraban de tanta vida. Era perfecto la obra de Dios; cómo suelo llamar a la naturaleza.

The hard part was over, but there was still another path to take, because in order to relax I decided to guide them along a path that led to a small river that fell through a waterfall in the Ávila. Upon entering, one begins to notice the beauty of nature, as I had mentioned before, you entered another unique reality, as if it were a fantasy story, as the colors of the trees vibrated with so much life. It was perfect, the work of God; as I usually call nature.






Por fin llegamos al río, el cual es uno de mis lugares preferidos para encontrar paz y disfrutar de la tranquilidad; el único detalle es que el agua era, sumamente fría 🥶🥶🥶, pero te liberaba del cansancio y estrés, asi que cada uno aprovecho de nadar un poco.

We finally reached the river, which is one of my favorite places to find peace and enjoy the tranquility; the only detail is that the water was extremely cold 🥶🥶🥶, but it freed you from tiredness and stress, so everyone took advantage of swimming a little.




Sorpresivamente llegó un gran perro que parecía un pequeño lobo super amigable, que venía con otro grupo al lugar y se encariño con nosotros que empezó a jugar en agua.

Surprisingly, a big dog that looked like a super friendly little wolf arrived. He came with another group to the place and became so fond of us that he started playing in the water.





Sin duda alguna, salidas que hacen de forma improvisada, son las mejores. Espero que las halla gustado y gracias por leer está publicación; nos vemos la próxima caminata.

Without a doubt, the best outings are those that are improvised. I hope you enjoyed them and thank you for reading this post. See you on the next hike



Hola! That is nice place even took a long way to reach it but that is worth. Anyway that was really interested there was big black friendly dog. Anyway nice and God bless you!

Thank you so much.Really enjoying these spaces is something magical. And the dog came to us as a surprise, but it was the special touch.