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RE: My garden in my grandmother's house/ Memories and stories of each plant planted by me. ✨🍃

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

I have a huge aloe vera, I think I need a bigger pot already. Well, it needs to live in the garden actually, not in a pot anymore. The benefits of aloe vera are great, I use it in cases of skin burns.
And I can't wait for the blackberries (Morus nigra), there are several trees in the surroundings, and I know where they are hahaha so in early June I will be there to serve myself 😁
Thanks for sharing with us your grandmother's garden 😇


Yo amo el aloe vera, es muy bueno para todo amiga, jeje, espero que si puedas tener pronto tu arbusto de mora, son muy ricas 😋, gracias por tu visita!.

Ojalá lo tenga, pero en un apartamneto es difícil :D
Bueno, quizás proclamo uno de esos arbustos de la calle como mío. 😁
Un saludo 👋

JAJAJA, bueno, no estaría nada mal amiga 😆.