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RE: Loquats were my target!

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

You have never heard of loquats? Well, me neither, just when I came to Spain. It originates I think from China and also can be called Japanese plum, or Japanese medlar. ( weird, coming from Chine but named "Japanese". I don't know the reason btw)

Here in Spain, we call it nispero.

They do taste a bit like apricot, but sourer. Or something like between plums and apricot. They have big seeds inside.

The wild asparagus is priceless. I hunt them every time we go walking 😂
They taste so good, better than from the shop.


Chinese origin and a Japanese name, that's interesting. They sounds good.

They taste so good, better than from the shop.

I bet they would. Foraging is so much fun.

Foraging is so much fun.


it is :))