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RE: A somewhat isolated place

in Wednesday Walk • 6 days ago

For sure, the cats can't meow as loudly as the dogs can bark.
But I also guess the cats could not protect a house from possible thieves 😆 (but I am also a cat person 😉)

Thank you very much, Mr Puma 😇


Well no every cat but pituky she could 😅🤣🤣🤣 pour my kitty 🥺

Qué pasó con Pituky?

I wanted to ask you about her a few times but I don't know if something happened to her or if I missed something if you mentioned

Ella se desapareció cuando yo estaba en Caimán, estaba en casa con mi madre pero un día desapareció y no supimos más nada , parece que alguien se la robó , no sabemos 😭

oh noooooo 😭
