The rain was a tiny surprise

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago


What can someone do when there is a power outage for two hours?

This is maybe just a rhetorical question, but I can try to guess what would be the best thing to do. Let's say grab a mop and wash the floor... continue sleeping... read a book (oh, well, if one doesn't forget to raise the blinds, which work only with the help of an electric motor... so read a book in the dark is not an option... at least not a clear option)... try to get out to the balcony and help the plants to survive the negligence... do nothing (have anyone ever achieved this?)... think in the dark (not safe when one has a crooked one). So what could someone in this situation do? I vaguely guess that the answer can't be found here as from all those fictitious scenarios it is difficult to pick.

You see, this morning I did something special - I went for a walk, can you believe it? You can ask yourself since when a simple walk can be labelled as special?

I don't know the answer, but what I do know is that I really don't make time for myself lately. If I don't do any other physical activity then at least a walk can count as a sport. :D

{no, it doesn't count, but let's pretend that it does...}

So, yes, I made a short walk this morning, to make something good from a situation that for others would be an issue. We walked toward the sea and got into some streets where I saw blooming succulents growing in wild, much nicer than my poor babies are doing in the pots. The sky was not nice, I must say it was so grey that just sad photos would come here in this post that tries to be funny (just mere attempts, I know). The sky was much duller than it was around two weeks ago when another, more interesting leg-stretching activity happened.

It was a Sunday afternoon, and the clouds decided to partially cover that blue dome. It was a strange cloud accumulation. You see it in the photos, right?


At first glance, it was not promising any serious storm, and before we reached the seashore even a nice rainbow appeared. Too bad there are buildings and cars in this photo, but life it is. Not always nice and perfect. Neither are my photos.



The confirmation that no perfect photo would come is just a step from you. Not a step, but just a tiny scroll down.
In those few minutes, getting from the street where the previous photos were taken to the seashore the nice optical phenomenon from the sky faded away. Nada, we couldn't see it in its full glory.


Rain also came (we didn't have umbrellas with us btw) to finish that walk full of meteorological phenomena. Clouds, rainbow, sun, rain, walk, dripping clothes until we reached our home... a mixture that in the end, because of a blackout finished here in Hive, for the #wednesdaywalk initiative, held by @tattoodjay :)




Very nice photos despite the bad weather and cloudy sky. I sometimes like it better when it's raining than when it's sunny.
I really liked the rainbow image.
Cheers 🌈

Thanks @jordy0827
I also liked the rainbow, especially as it was in its full edition. such a cool phenomenon ;)

The blackouts should happen more often :p

That mountain in the distance is so cool!

Haha, if short, they can come, but a longer blackout would be tricky 😂

The mountain is Serra Gelada, it's where our town is actually, at the bottom of it 😉

Manually curated by EwkaW from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Obrigada 😇

How cool to see the rainbow and a beautiful walk

as for what to do with power out, being older for me it wouldnt be a big deal I guess but we were talking the other day how the grandkids would be lost with no power or more likely no internet on their devices which they use all the time

How that came to mind is a Cyclone hit where my family live in NZ with massive damage and destruction, and my family was without power for over a week

Thanks for joining the Wednesday, its always fun for me to visit the walks from all around the world, getting a feel for communities where people live and what they see on their daily walks

Yes, we can handle it better than youngsters. We are all so used to our gadgets, but they are even more. But it is not impossible to live without electricity and all the comfort, from time to time, it is good actually ;)

yes I do believe your right it is good for us to be without from time ot time

Hope you didn't feel so much cold have been beaten by the rain at night, I guess you prepared a hot tea

It was a bit cold actually, everything had to be put on drying, and a hot shower is what helped me to get back to life.

Smile, A really reviving act

What can someone do when there is a power outage for two hours?

Well, over here we get power outages which can last more than a week 😂

Well, normally I’d just go about my normal life, living a life with no electricity is hard though but over here we’re just used to it

And ooh, it’s been a while, the was a lot I was going through and a lot to sort out, so I basically shut myself from the world

oops, more than a week? it's challenging 😁

Over here, a lot goes on 😂😂

Never a dull moment, right? 😂

Nope, never dull

Over here we sometimes convey at a meeting point with our when there’s no electricity so we can just talk and have fun to pass the time

I would definitely walk outside as well if there were a couple of hours of a power outage. Back when I was young, we used to stay along the street when there is no electricity in our place. We would share different stories while lying on the ground and looking up at the sky and the moon shining so brightly. Those memories flashed in my mind because of this power outage hehe


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Oh, that is a super way to spend a power outage. Sharing stories! I start to like them now hahaha, though it just happened now because they had to fix something in the building. However, I remember many blackouts that we had during my childhood.

What a lovely walk @mipiano the rainbow 🌈 is special…
And when there is a power cut, yes… one can do many things. Or nothing.
Who can do nothing for hours. There is always something.

Thanks for sharing this morning walk with us.
Happy Wednesday, enjoy your week further 👋🏻😊
Do try to make some time for you 😉 it’s important too 😎

Who can do nothing for hours?

I know, right? it's just impossible haha

The clouds, the rainbow, the rain... all came to us, as a gift :)

Hope you are doing well, Jackie
How is it dealing with the cold after Spain hehe?

It is impossible hehehe 🤭

Surely like a gift, beautiful when that happens.
I am well… but… we might have to move again. Residency isn’t approved due to brexit. Sigh 😞
So I am figuring things out, what next. Something will work out.
The cold isn’t affecting me at all. We dress up with extra layers when going out, hats and scarfs and gloves and and and hehehe 🤭 so all good actually.
The fresh and crisp air is the best. I think we will acclimatise quicker than expected.
Have a nice day 👋🏻☀️

Oh no, nooooooo, boxes and moving again 😭
But there is always a solution, I believe you will be able to find the best one! But still, moving again.... Well, you can add this place as another one in your list hehehe

Will check out later you post, just opened it quickly. Life is running so fast

I know, so don’t want to think about packing up again.
Working on a solution and researching options. 🤓 Something will show up.
Yep, I have lived in this country now too. Let’s add a few more months 🍀 that would be great.
I keep you posted.

Thanks a lot, much appreciated. I so understand. We need more hours in a day hahaha 🤣
Good night dear @mipiano 👋🏻😊😴😴😴 sleep well.

I do need so many more hours in one day @littlebee4 !!
But we didn't make that machine still, that's the thing hahaha

Good night, sleep should come soon but am still around :D
greets from ph 😇

I know… we so do 🤓
Indeed, we better start working on the blueprints hehehe 🤭 where to start… especially when we have no time to start in the first place.

Thanks a lot, it was a long night… of not sleeping. !LOL
Hope yours was better. Enjoy your Thursday 👋🏻😊
Greetings back to him 😎

Good question @mipiano cheers 👋☺️

Lots to do and enjoy. Your post has shown me that. A simple walk is a great gift we can give ourselves.

Your photos revitalize me. Sometimes I don't know how to write in these challenges,but reading your posts give me motivation and education.
Someday I will try it 👍.

Hey there @elizpc

Yes, you are right, a simple walk can be a gift, I absolutely agree! 😎

Sometimes I don't know how to write in these challenges

It is just to let your mind go with the flow. First, observe what you have and then build a story around it. Imagination switched on and that's it ;)

Thank you for taking the time to help me, I appreciate it 🌷.

I will work on that 👍

You are welcome and good luck. Just have fun and enjoy 😊

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Thanks for sharing 🤩

Waw, that's the most beautiful rainbow I've ever seen, moments like this are very rare

And yes, I imagine what if the lights go out for two hours, it might be very annoying, but I've often felt that here even more than 8 hours, lucky I have a garden, otherwise maybe the whole grass will run out I pull it out😅

Beautiful day for you and happy wednesdaywalk

I must confess that I haven't seen too many times a rainbow like this one. Usually we see just a part from it.

With a garden it's a perfect time, having a power outage 😅
When you finish your garden, you can even help to the neighbors 😁🍀🍀🍀

Happy Wednesday to you too @roronoa46 👋

It doesn't seem like a bad idea, the neighbor's grass is always greener isn't it😅😬

Rainbows, even if they are partially erased, are still beautiful, and what's more... they give us the possibility to fill in their path with our mind. Don't you think it is too beautiful to be able to do that?

For sure they are still beautiful, as well as adding the parts that are missing with the power of our mind 🖌️

At least tell me you run when the rain started that would count as sports 😂😂 , nice walk with that rainbow that means you have to do this walk more often, I tried to do my CrossFit 3 time a week is my time off for fix my body and mind 🙃 . Greetings from Habana !!

Oh, well, I have to be honest... I didn't run, so no, no sports again 🤐😂 If you see that hill in the background...and the white houses? That's where I live, so it was a half an hour walking in rain 🌧️🌧️🌧️ 😂

Very cool for CrossFit, the mother of one of my little students was doing it too, and she was satisfied with the results :)
Greetings back from Spain 👋🍀

Walking in the rain! Definitely! Perhaps with an un=mbrella, but, most likely not. :) The views are amped up with the energy of those clouds!

I love to see the rainbows from end to end like that, it is not always visually possible.

What to do? Something or nothing. Nothing? Be still. I don't believe any one of us could do nothing at all! However, I do have a kindle (although I prefer books!) that I use on trips because it is easier and it has a whole 24 hours' worth of power, so they are handy to have.

An invigorating walk!!! Let's do this again!

No, we didn't have umbrella ☔ 😂
And it was so cold... that cold rain for a half an hour transformed me into an ice cube 🥶

Yeah, we don't usually see the rainbow from end to end. Usually just a part but that day we were lucky, at least for that part!

I don't believe any one of us could do nothing at all!

I don't believe it either, but who knows, maybe there are people who can do that 😁

I always run into the wind, throwing caution aside! Oh, a nice fire feels good after the cold, icy wind and rain of the day!

I hope you have warmed up, getting ready for the next adventure!

The rainbow looks fab. I really liked the pictures you took. I simply love when it rains and I also have a habit of taking pictures when the weather is cloudy.

Thanks :)
I am glad you liked them. I like the white, fluffy clouds though these grey ones give more mystery :D

Your initial question has many answers, here it is common these blackouts and not two hours but at least 5, the detail is that we do not know what time it will happen but that the electricity will go out for sure, then any activity is good and I think it is the time that I take advantage and value.

As for your walk, I guess the weather showed you what is inside you a mixture of everything like life, all the nuances I liked and I am glad to hear from you friend, hoping that the migraine does not mistreat you so much.

Hearing from you is good but it wasn't the only reason for my visit, I'm looking for some inspiration to create my content today and clear my own grey cloud. I think I grabbed some momentum @mipiano 🤗. Thank you.

I am so glad if you can find inspiration here 😇
Well, it's interesting how we can share and receive the inspiration. A mystery ✨✨

So power outage is a common thing in your country... I know, it's sad, but I see that you can always find some interesting thing to do ;)

Oh, super nice comparison, weather with life, spot on! Thanks. Migraines come and go, intuyo que una vendrá estos días, pero a ver si la mantengo bajo control jejeje. Un saludo, me alegro verte @soyunasantacruz :)

These days I get to figure out what to do with myself during blackouts 6-8 hours a day, meh. But on the other hand, it does take me away from the internet and helps get all the jobs that I do my best to avoid. Like housecleaning, weeding the yard. I also do grocery shopping, take a nap, read, walk on the mountain

Oh no, blackouts of 6-8 hours? 😔 We had it now because they just had to fix something, but usually we don't have a lot of blackouts.

You have the garden, the cats 🐾🐾 and it's a blessing then :)

Wow - you got some lovely photos there. The clouds and the rainbow look great !!!!

Thanks @hoosie , they were indeed so cool 😎


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The rainbow looks really amazing. Rainbows are sometimes seen during monsoons. But for a long time, that experience is no longer happening. Seeing the post reminded me of those old days.

Really? No more rainbows? Maybe they just need to be rediscovered :) Hope you can seen one soon 😀

The rainbow appears like they have a plan because this is really matching to the building. Well, the weather is unpredictable sometimes. I'm glad you made it home safe despite the blackout. Meteorological phenomena sure can be a wild ride!

Your perspective is also nice, the rainbow that is matching the building. Yes, maybe indeed, as it is a white, not very nice building, it needed some colourful decoration :)

beautiful photo with the rainbow I don't always see one in my part

Me neither. I guess I had luck to see it in its full size that day :)

Ohh! It was a relaxing place. I love the rainbow

Yeah, it was a nice one 🌈 it is rarely seen in full size!