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RE: Walking the Desert

in Wednesday Walklast year

Hey you!

You've been in my thoughts a lot recently.

Oh yep. I couldn't do it now either :|

Back then it was just getting going so it was only really petrol to Worcester and a ticket. And I had a full time job at the time.

Nowadays everything is too expensive! 👀

So want to come and visit but life keeps hitting me with roadblocks and detours...

Getting a bit frustrated now tbh. But I guess we got to trust the process

Hope you're good up there. Will get hold of you on WA. And thanks for staying connected. I get lost in the woods sometimes :)


Hey there Nicky, life is a bit frustrating currently with the limited budget and income compared to previous years. We'll meet up when the situation allows.

Ah... same here, my friend :|

Still jumping through hoops and also tired now. Hang in there. It'll pass!

p.s. I'd give an arm and a leg for a permanent, peaceful home. You're very, very lucky to have that special place. 💥💯

Yes you will feel improved quantity of life here in the Garden Route.

Well a now very tired Pippin continues the search for the peaceful home

On we go


Just noting for the universe, here, that the arm and a leg thing is a figure of speech in case it takes that too!!

Take note, universe of amazing things. It's fuckin' enough now, please? I "get it"!!!