Good morning hivers, today I'm taking you on a Wednesday walk in one of my favorite squares in the city located in front of the ancient hospital of the strain with the famous Della Robbia frieze, however today I want to take you to one of its best-known sculptures in this square, the moon in the well, symbol of this place and also in the alley behind which has a somewhat scabrous history. The Moon in the Well is a much discussed work by Gianni Ruffi, there are those who love it and those who hate it, for some it is just a rusty affair placed in the middle of a beautiful square for others it is the symbol of the square. This sculpture really made of rust is a controversial work for its supporters and is an example of a mix of ancient and modern. It is said that in ancient times there really was a well and that the artist wanted to pay homage to it in this way. I honestly really like this work! And then I'll take you to the prostitutes' alley, the area behind the hospital was a hidden area with a lot of crime since the Middle Ages and here there are many small hidden alleys, it is said that in one of these there were real pleasure houses and to stand out they hung a flag in the window, they are alleys today with normal houses but given how small and hidden they are I understand why they were prostitution alleys! My Pistoia reserves many beautiful surprises!
Buenos días hivers, hoy los llevo a un paseo de miércoles por una de mis plazas favoritas de la ciudad ubicada frente al antiguo hospital de la cepa con el famoso friso de Della Robbia, sin embargo hoy quiero llevarles a una de sus esculturas más conocidas en esta plaza, la luna en el pozo, símbolo de este lugar y también en el callejón detrás que tiene una historia un tanto escabrosa. La Luna en el pozo es una obra muy discutida de Gianni Ruffi, hay quienes la aman y quienes la odian, para algunos es sólo un objeto oxidado colocado en medio de una hermosa plaza, para otros es el símbolo de la plaza. Esta escultura realmente hecha de óxido es una obra controvertida para sus seguidores y es un ejemplo de mezcla entre lo antiguo y lo moderno. Se dice que en la antigüedad realmente existía un pozo y que el artista quiso rendirle homenaje de esta manera. Sinceramente me gusta mucho este trabajo! Y luego los llevaré al callejón de las prostitutas, la zona detrás del hospital era una zona escondida con mucha delincuencia desde la Edad Media y aquí hay muchos pequeños callejones escondidos, se dice que en una de estas había verdaderas casas de placer y para destacar colgaron una bandera en la ventana, son callejones hoy en día con casas normales pero visto lo pequeñas y escondidas que son entiendo por qué eran callejones de prostitución! ¡Mi Pistoia reserva muchas sorpresas bonitas!
Translation by deepl , first picture edited with my phone.
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Thank you for introducing me to this extraordinary place.
This type of sculpture can be found in other places of the world.
I mean, some people loving it, and others hating it.
People's opinions are divided over something that they do not completely understand, or something novel and unique that they have not been accustomed to yet.
That sculpture is impressive and I was imagining how the Alley was back in the day
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk and have a great day