Місяць не скидала фотки з телефона на ноутбук. Здається, нічого особливого, але фотографій трохи набралося. Всі вони зроблені в регіоні біля мого міста. Бретань ще чекає свого тепла, тут особливий клімат. Весна відчувається по-іншому. Через те, що квіти квітнуть тут і взимку, як і зеленіє трава, то ці ознаки не є фактором, який визначає старт весни. Тут це швидше просто тепло.
I haven't downloaded photos from my phone to my laptop for a month. It seems nothing special, but the photos have accumulated a little. All of them are made in the region near my city. Brittany is still waiting for its warmth, it has a special climate. Spring feels different. Due to the fact that flowers bloom here in winter as well as green grass, these signs are not a factor that determines the start of spring. Here it is rather just warm.
Дякую за увагу, всім гарних прогулянок!
Thank you for your attention, everyone have a nice walk!
Beautiful skies, lovely rich greens and gorgeous views love all the photos you shared with us today
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones
very beautiful places