Saturday - Free Days

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Saturday's training is always extraordinary because we have enough time to spend and the training always starts early in the morning at most 8 AM.


On Saturday's timetable, we have warmup/fitness. We spent more time on warmup/fitness and that's how we will keep rolling for now because we noticed most of the boys lack fitness and we need to fix that as soon as possible.



After practicing warm-up for the muscle relaxant, we began playing. Just a warm up result is a very pleasant effect when playing, all the muscles feel comfortable and numb no more it is a very different when playing without beginning warm up.



To reduce warm up knee injury in the beginning is extremely needed and should be done.


Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)

sorry for Short reply I hurt my hand and I’m trying to rest it up and stay off work phone and keyboard as much as i can