It's been quite a while since I posted one of my Wednesday Walks. My excuse? I have been trying to be less dependent on technology, so as to reduce my exposure to harmful radiation. One of the most important ways I am doing this is by not carrying my phone with me everywhere I go, especially on my walks; I want to commune with nature, not with my phone. I tried to find a simple camera to use instead, but couldn't figure out how to use the dang thing!
This time of year, the colors are so luscious, and nature's bounty is so surprisingly robust, that I can't resist trying to capture some of it to share with you all.
These shots were all taken in my tiny back yard via my stupid phone. My little piece of the earth may be small, but even a small space is chock-a-block with nature's springtime exuberance.
I give thanks to this tiny piece of the Earth that nourishes me.
I do like to eat rhubarb, and downright love strawberry rhubarb cobbler, but I think a rhubarb plant is spectacular as an ornamental. Here you can see the flowers, which will be taller than I am if I let them grow, developing.
I was captivated by this clump of dandelion flowers. I let dandelion grow in my yard (much to the dismay of my neighbors with perfect grass), because it attracts so many bees, and has both nutritional and medicinal attributes, but I also like its unique look. This clump was buried in new soil just the day before, yet managed to sproing out anyway, with longer stems than any of the dandelion I had not buried. I find that interesting. A burst of energy to make sure the plant survived, much like a human's burst of adrenaline.
Color!!! Holy cow I love spring colors, and this Heuchera foliage has those in spades!
I've been ripping periwinkle up by the armload - there is far too much of it in my yard! But I couldn't bring myself to pull these tiny blue beauties. Nestled in with sweet woodruff, they look too pretty to annihilate. Believe me, I've annihilated plenty of it already, both this year and last. I still have lots of it to get rid of, but other garden tasks have become more pressing.
Yesterday these spears were nowhere to be found; this spot was just a bare patch of ground. Today, my garden is teeming with Hosta spurting up everywhere. One thing my new yard has is Hosta. Big leaved, tiny leaved, yellow leaved, blue leaved, curly leaved, fuzzy leaved and glossy. The last person who lived here must have loved the stuff. I do too, the foliage is spectacular, but there is such a thing as too much of a flowering plant with boring flowers.
I'm trying to grow this crabapple in a half barrel. Until just a few days ago, I was worried it hadn't survived the winter. No need to worry anymore!
My Solomon's Seal is thriving! This particular variety, which I planted last spring, is an especially beautiful variety and I am delighted that it is so happy in its new home. I have focused my choices of what to grow on medicinal and/or edible. Besides being a very beautiful plant, its roots are medicinal, and are especially good for lung ailments.
My dog, my sweet, precious, loving Hazel, goes most places with me, and is always with me whenever I am in my garden.
This is my entry to the Wednesday Walk community's weekly initiative. It's an easy one! All you have to do is take a nice walk and tell us about it. Come join us.
Cameras can be tricky to work out how to use
Strawberry Rhubarb cobbler, I have never tried that but would love to it sounds so good
you garden looks like it is doing so well
Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk, its my pleasure to host it and see all the posts each week from all around the world, including yours, if you have time visit some of the other walks this week there are so many interesting ones
My pleasure! Thanks for doing all you do.
I bought a digital camera in 2007. Got my first smart phone about 9 years later, and soon began to use it to take pictures. The phone I have now takes better pictures than my camera. And the camera has a problem: it wants me to set the date and time every time I turn it on. I don't know if that can be fixed, or not. Like you, I'd rather use the camera sometimes, but I don't want to buy a new one.
Yes the phone takes decent pix, and is easy to bring along, but it's hard to hold, hard to keep on task, I have to send the pix one by one to my email which is a pain, and I just hate the thing in general. I don't see why I can't find a small phone, with a memory card, a strap to hang around my neck, and no wifi or cell radiation of any kind while I have it on my person, that is as easy to use as a phone is. I bought one that someone recommended, but I can't figure it out. Someone else lent me a camera that she said was really simple, and I couldn't figure that one out.