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RE: Walk and a Talk in my Home Town

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Well tbh it's much better than many of the places that we have here nowadays!! It has become more like a robotic life out un here lol.

Taking a walk on that road definitely would be worth it! Get away from the trouble and just take a walk for few minutes. That should be enough 😉

While damn, that's kinda expensive. $400 + for grocery is kinda a great deal. But I suppose new area and new environment can indeed be a handful sometimes.


Yeah the walking paths are really great for a city.

While damn, that's kinda expensive. $400 + for grocery is kinda a great deal.

Sorry, I'm not sure I understand- are you saying that $400 is expensive or a great deal here?
I guess it depends on how much food you get in the end. We didn't really get that much for that it seemed.