A Wednesday Walk Along the Wigwam Slough

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My #wednesdaywalk share, as inspired by @tattoo-djay.


What’s the current weather forecast here? Cloudy. How about tomorrow? Cloudy? The next day? Cloudy skies…the day after? Partly cloudy. How about the weekend? Well, you guessed it..cloudy skies, with a chance of clouds.

Back to the river, we go! I had a few hours of downtime this weekend with my mother-in-law in town, so I grabbed the camera and headed back to a park called Goose Island to check out a new trail.


The trail runs along the Wigwam Slough of the Mississippi River; from a historical sign near the trailhead, this area is considered “protected” by the US government against human-generated land erosion. Although I can not find anything online about the history of this sign, it seems to be a thing as I walked the shoreline. The shoreline is very exposed and fragile, and if the main current was hitting this area, I could see there is a case for lots of erosion. Fortunately, Wigwam seems to provide enough natural protection from the main channel.




The photos taken here were taken as I meandered around a cold, breezy afternoon. No snow of course, so lots of the straw-colored, long grass waiting to get white drifts of snow on it. I would hope, at the very least, we get some precipitation this winter. After the past two summers of droughts, we need it!


I feel like I could do a #wednesdaywalk along the Mississippi River every week…maybe I should? A new trail or section to explore and share…that’s not a bad idea for "a: 2024 resolution. Let’s see if I can make it happen next week! Thanks for checking out my post; I hope everyone had a wonderful (and much sunnier) Wednesday!


Such a moody but yet still cool place to walk
We to have had many cloudy and grey days recently, and to cool for me lOL

Wishing you and years all the best for 2024 and Thanks for joining the Wednesday Walk :)

I know! We miss the sun over here...it feels like today was the 20th day in a row with no sun.

lets hope you get some soon, today we have a sunny day but below freezing all day so not good for me to get out walking LOL