Sunset Rain and Meat

in Wednesday Walk20 hours ago

Normally I'm a walker, always one for those extra steps. Yet today after the totally wholesome exams, I knew that I'd go that extra mile.


My papers started by 2pm today and while seeing the questions, writing the answers and submitting, I knew that this would be one of my best days this week.
After a long run of troubling, depressing, thoughtful and morale depreciating papers, this one being straight up godsent just brightened my day.


It was 4pm in the evening when I was done and I was simply renewed.
Without missing a heartbeat I called a friend to see if we can meet up and eat, since my exams started I hadn't been able to even eat well at home, talk less of outside.
Thankfully she was free so I knew where I'd spend the last 2-3 hours of sunlight.


As I strolled to the other campus to go meet her, the sun and clouds were putting on a show which I without a doubt added to my gallery.
After meeting my friend, I urged her to take some pictures of the sunset too.


It was a beautiful sight we had after talking, laughing, joking and eating bolé.
She had to quickly go back to her hostel because she was medical student and apparently had to read for her Thorax exam that's happening on Monday..
Guess the exam torture was happening across all faculties.
So that's how by 6pm, I saw myself leisurely strolling home until...


The weather took a different turn. The sunset had been totally swallowed by storm clouds and my leisurely stroll had turned to a panicked jog.
I regretted turning down the cab that had tried picking me up because I wanted to "enjoy the calm weather".
The weather was anything but calm, heavy winds that made the trees sway and dark clouds that made the environment I'd walked numerous times have a completely different look.


It was at this point that I decided I'd do a #wednesdaywalk post with all the pictures I'd taken that day.
I also decided to risk and challenge the rain, a race against murder nature.
Thus I began walking at full speed, praying that mother nature humors me and doesn't open the floodgates when I'm in the vast open expanse of road with no cover in sight.
After a few dreadful minutes, I'd reached the school gates and was overjoyed to see the dominoes restaurant light that waited for me.


Immediately I stepped out of school, the rain began so it seems it was a tie.
I couldn't avoid getting a little bit doused before I got a taxi and started the journey home.
Thankfully, the rain stopped during my commute in the taxi so I could walk again through my streets.


At night, and with the idea of taking pictures in my mind for this post everything seemed a lot more interesting and the first picture taken was of this boutique that opened newly at my shop entrance.
Their clothes looked cool but I'm sure they'll be so expensive that their coolness would bleed off my eyes.
As I walked on, I kept on trying to take pictures without anyone noticing.


Thus unfortunately some more grainy pictures like this one of the tricycles gathered here. The tricycle drivers are trying to get some customers and can be overly persuasive
With the rain gone, I didn't need the ride so I politely told them that I didn't need a write
I walked on and began looking at streets.
At night, the streets looks so different its shocking.


Seems the rain left a body of water and the light got some nice reflections which I took.
I kept on searching but didn't find any other streets that had water anymore for reflecting.


I did happen to come across a local eatery shop, I haven't eaten from here before but it seems to always gather a lot of customers because at 7pm when I was walking past there, they were still actively cooking.
Actually a lot of nighttime foods were being cooked and suya was one who caught my eye because of the scent and the smoke that appeared when the meat was roasting.


The suya man had customers so I couldn't go closer to snap, the meat did look appetizing but I already had some suya waiting for me at home.
The next shop I came across was a chicken and fish grilling stand.


The man was hard at work cooking up some chicken breast and wings and I managed to sneak in a quick shot while he turned his back.
This shop is quite close to my house but the price of the chicken is way more than my budget.
Maybe sometime I'll get it, but for now I just went home, my legs sore from all the walking but memories and my pedometer were full.




All Images used were taken by me.

My Instagram page.


Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Thanks for having me✨