Wednesday Walk - Cicada Art

I walked my daughter around town to look at cicada art for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
The first stop was near an interior design business who decorated their cicada with trendy colors and a fancy purse.

My daughter really wanted to get the purse and started throwing a fit. Fortunately I distracted her with another cicada down the street.

A knitting store decorated their cicada with all sorts of knitted textures.

My daughter liked petting this one as it resembled some of her stuffed animals at home.

The jewelry store covered their cicada in newspaper and gold trim. No diamonds on it though lol.

The sports bar decorated their's with Chicago sports team colors.

The ancient classical theater put film on the wings. Overall my daughter had fun trying to find the next cicada.

Most of the cicadas have found a mate, laid their eggs and have died. So now we have to wait another 13 or 17 years to see them again.

A couple months ago these guys were covering everything. Their collective noise was as loud as a concert and they were always flying into you as you walked around. The birds were fat and happy.


Now all that is left of them is body parts and the sculptures around town.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Yes, it is strange at this level! Here it is eaten, and will be eaten! Sometimes think who eats us? Then I think that we conscious beings, even the cicadas that are so beautiful, we descend into avatar bodies. But what do I know? I'm just a novice.

One of my friends has a go at a Thai recipe for cicadas, they have a shrimp/chicken taste to them. I would feel bad for eating something that waited underground for so long to hatch lol.

Manually curated by ewkaw from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!

Thanks again @ewkaw I have more mushrooms to post this Friday.

Very cool street art 👍

Fortunately I distracted her

Distraction and mis-direction are key parenting skills 🙂 and on a more positive note - engagement. Always fun when you can make a gaming of finding things to keep kids in the moment.

Oh yeah its easy for now to do the misdirect. I'll have to hone my skills once she catches on to that trick. I usually keep her occupied with the naming game, what is that? Then she'll name it.