Wednesday Walk - Critters and Plants

Here are some critters and plants for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay

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I've been keeping an eye on two goose families by the lake. So far they are doing well but each family has lost one gosling. Maybe there is a fox lurking around at night.

Meanwhile the geese without goslings are battling for turf on the floating islands.

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In the end the goose and the turtle worked out a deal. Your Side My Side!!!

Loads of purple dead nettle is growing. Apparently this stuff is good in salads sort of like a mint or a spinach.

Here is an acorn that a chipmunk didn't get to. Now it is sprouting up next to a red trillium.

Now for an unfortunate squirrel who lost half its tail. Perhaps it got bitten off in a fight or maybe it got some strange infection and half of it fell off. Now this poor guy won't be able to sail out of a tree like a parachute.

I tried waiting around for this heron to catch something. But after about 15 minutes it had no luck. I think they do better when they are near the water's edge and various bushes block them from the fish's view.

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This year has been really good so far for red admirals. They seem to be everywhere.

P1011621 copy.jpgThis one even landed on my daughter for a while before ending up on this leaf. She wondered what in the heck it was and was too slow to catch it. Maybe next time I'll be fast enough with the camera to get a shot of one landing on her head.

That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


You are so lucky to capture those lovely butterflies!

I tried before but my shots was not good as yours ,🤣

The trick with butterflies is to go out when it is still cold as they are more sluggish at that time.

I like this summer photos 😋👌👌👌👌☕ I hope you get them more, it is fun to look them 👌😋☕

Still spring here. This summer will be loaded full of cicadas.

Fun wandering #wednesdaywalk in the park. We are still a bit colder here. Some wildflowers are out but haven't seen birds with babies yet.

I bet the woodpeckers have already started pecking new nests. I heard some up in a tree over here but couldn't find them.