Wendesday Walk - More Critters by the Lake

Here are some more lake critters for this #wednesdaywalk by @tattoodjay
Here is another one of the many squirrels by the lake.

Later it got chased to another tree by a different squirrel. They are very territorial.

Next up is a monarch hanging out on a stinky flower.

It was kind of windy so this butterfly was hanging on for dear life.

This flower grows on one of the floating islands on the lake where the geese make their nests.

This flower grows on the edge of the lake, I was trying to get a hover fly above it but when I clicked the shot it was gone, womp.

I spotted this grasshopper on the sidewalk, it was laying its eggs in between the joint.

The lake was nice and reflective. Here it is fully green looking from all the trees on the water's edge.

This view caught some of the sun in the sky. That's all for now, thanks for looking :-)


Each and everyone of these photos are fantastic I stopped on each one to soak them in

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk

If only I had got that hover fly over the flower, can't catch em all though.

They are so hard to capture aren’t they

Wow amazing.
The pictures you collect on the shores of the lake are amazing.
Thanks for sharing, I'm very interested in seeing it.

I could do a post about squirrels almost every day.

That's very interesting, because you can also take very perfect pictures.
Are the squirrels not afraid of humans?

They are not that afraid, this lets me get close with my zoom lens. There are even a couple that can take food from your hands, but I haven't seen them in a while... Hopefully the hawk didn't get them.

Yea, it's eagle's meal, it's a shame if the eagle can see them.

Lovely photos! These look so peaceful and full of joy! A fantastic place to just be there perhaps with a picnic basket and nice bottle of wine!lol

Haha there are plenty of wine places here too... Though they don't allow you to drink in public places here so you would have to go into someone's yard and drink and eat the picnic lol

wow the monarch butterfly and the grasshoper are very beautiful and you managed to capture them very well.

The hopper laying eggs gave me good chance to focus on it as it couldn't hop away.

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Introducing the Hive Power Up Month - Let's grow every day!
Hive Power Up Day - September 1st 2021 - Hive Power Delegation

All I can say is wow! You've brightened my morning up.

Squirrels have a way of doing that especially when they spiral around a tree chasing eachother.

Your photos are superb!

Love seeing the squirrels. Right now I have two chipmunks on the property. They are also territorial. One lives in the barn at the back of the house and the other’s territory is at the trees by front of the house. When the one goes to the back where I put out the bird seed then there is a chase on between the two chipmunks.

They are extra vicious in fall when they are stealing from each other's larders.

I really liked the grasshopper! I couldn't catch such a guy this year and make him stand still, they were all hiding in the grass.

I bet now you can catch them while they lay their eggs.

Manually curated by ackhoo from the @qurator Team. Keep up the good work!