What a happy post!!
Your photos are beautiful too :D
Your Mom is so proud of you and with very good reason. Your post made me smile and happy while reading it! THANK YOU for that!!
What a happy post!!
Your photos are beautiful too :D
Your Mom is so proud of you and with very good reason. Your post made me smile and happy while reading it! THANK YOU for that!!
hehehehe awesome right?? awwww proud momma here :) hahahaha
i can't wait to read more - i hope he's not gonna be like - mommmmmmmmmm stop! hahahahahahaha
You have every right to be proud :D
there should be a proud momma community! hahahahaha
and proud pappa LOLOLOL
its where we go to gush all about our kids. hehehehe
maybe i'll do a nice contest with that soon hehehehe
or maybe there already is a proud momma community? hahahah i've been away too long
if there isn't - maybe i'll do Proud Momma Mondays
i like the sound of that
I think that sounds like a wonderful tag :D
LOLOLOL right????? hahahahaha you know I'll probably do it LOLOLOL
Thank you kindly for the welcome, and your kind words! I'm glad the post made you happy, lets me know I'm doing something right😜. Take it easy, my friend!