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RE: A small town South African boy wondering the streets of Hong Kong and loving it.

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago


So with you on that. I doubt I am normal but living in one of those would make me sane within a, just no....neither is ever going to happen, ever ever dinkum serious never ever .....I would need your white hankey to go to the potty hehehe.


You make me laugh so much. I can feel my eyes crinkling in delight each time I read you. Hehe!

Hehehe.....It makes my crazy heart warm to hear things like that....thanks :)

I am just about to post a blog that might make your eyes crinkle more hehehe.

I'll pop along soon. Just put the kettle on first and make myself a brew. 😉

Now there's the can not survive without one's brew, no matter what the government says....ever never, hell no!

Good plan and think I will do the same here before going to make up with my bed again hehehe.

Enjoy :)