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RE: Summer vibes in autumn

in Wednesday Walk2 years ago

Ohhh, I envy your blue skies so much right now! Here in Mexico it's still the rainy season. Normally it would have finished a month ago, but lately it keeps going longer and longer. Oh well, here in the mountains at least it doesn't mean hurricanes, just constantly cloudy skies. So to satisfy my need for sunshine, I'm going to look though your wonderful photos once more!


And sometimes I need just a bit of rain. We could switch places for some days, don't you think it would be a good idea? haha
That is good you don't have hurricanes or other weather conditions that can bring so much damage. Rain... rain is good 😇 and the sun can be seen again from these photos, that's true! 🌞

Hahaha, sure! I'll just upload myself to the cloud and then you can download me! 😜

Hahaha, csúcs ez az ötlet 😂