A Walk To My Final Eye Checkup In The Hospital; Capturing Some Beautiful Art Works

in Wednesday Walk3 months ago

Hi guys! Welcome to my walk back to the hospital for the final checkup of my eyes prior my appointment yesterday at the hospital.

I love taking advantage of situations no matter how good or bad, so i decided to take a walk around Yaba College Of Technology again today and capture some moments since that was my route to the hospital.

So i left my house by past 8am to meet up with my appointment, so i don't miss it as yesterday.

I passed through Yabatec as usual, and captured some beautiful 😍 scenes.

Below are some walk shots; come with me 🤗.

The below is myself while walking through Yabatec to the hospital and capturing some scenes on the go.

@talktofaith walking through Yabatec

The below pictures are some good shots i took from yabatec.

The students are still resuming gradually, the school ia still scanty because they just resumed on Monday.

Clusters of students discussing

Department of arts

Yaba College Of Technology is known for arts and crafts, they have a lot of arts and sculptures in the school.

Lotus Bank

There are a couple of other sculptures i wasn't able to capture because of time, probably when next i visits, i will check them out.

I was also able to capture their sports center (school stadium).

People come there for different kinds of sport activities.

Yabatec Stadium)

Yabatec Stadium)

Moving out of the gate and heading to the hospital, i captured the WAEC (West African Examination Center) building.
It is located very close to Yaba College Of Technology.

The building is quite tall. This is where the WAEC papers and results are been marked and compounded before publishing.

WAEC building

Back view of the WAEC building

After a couple of nice views and pictures, i headed to the hospital which is quite close to Yabatec.

I got to the hospital by few munites to 9am.

Hospital environment

Hospital environment

I headed to the records eye clinic and i was referred to the general records to get my card before seeing the doctor.

I headed to the records and on my way, i took some views of the environment.

Walkway to the records session

@talktofaith heading to pick my card*

I got to the reception and there were lots of persons too waiting for their turn.

I had to sit and wait for mine, they had lors of unsmiling soldiers in the reception, so i just composed myself, i didn't take picture before i receive a military dealing

@talktofaith waiting to pick my card*

Finally it was my turn and i picked my card and went back to the eye clinic to see a doctor.

After the necessary tests, i was advised to go more on fruits and vegetables and vitamins C to help the eyes and to help boost my immune system.

She said the eye will heal by itself if i apply all these measures.

So i headed back home through yabatec as usual.

While coming back i captured a beautiful walkway in yabatec with flowers everywhere on the road.

I loved the natural view and i decided to capture and share with you guys here.

Flower walkway in yabatec

From here i headed home, thanks for walking with me down to the hospital for my eye test back home.

Regards 🥰


I hope all went well with the eye test

they sure have some very cool art pieces

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk
Have a great day

Yes the test went well.

The art works are cool, I couldn't just pass it by, I had to get the shots

Thanks for visiting.