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RE: Tales of a Tree and other Stories

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

Such a beautiful walk
I personally love walks in areas a bit of the wild side I prefer an overgrown field with wild flowers splattered everywhere to a manicured garden myself

As fir a favorite type of tree I can’t say I have one I love them all but I have a soft spot fir ones growing where you would least expect them ie on a small rocky island

Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
Do if you have time check out some of the other walk posts, its like a wee break from your day to day reality


I will do that exactly, JJ! I have already checked out a few, but, will do more as I get more time today! They are really enjoyable to see where people are wandering off to. It is such an interesting tag, and I am glad you thought it up.

Such a great idea from such a simple idea!

I know exactly what you mean about them growing in an unexpected place. I agree with you!Or sometimes an unusual angle. :)

two trees.jpg

Now that tree is amazing
Dang sorry that was a generic finish to my comment you visit so many posts and leave amazing thoughtful comments so that wasn’t applicable to you

I do the same with the rules for #MarketFriday. So anyone reading it will know and if everyone gets it, you are not singling out anyone. No offense taken! But, thank you!

Yeah I must admit you inspired me to add something in my replies