I was told I was an introvert at school but only with people I don’t know well or don’t consider friends once I know people I can talk away
And in other ways I can be an extrovert such as wearing bright ties and socks
And now with getting color in my hair which by the way will be shades of blue next Tuesday lol
So, you are both an introvert and an extrovert JJ.
Blue in the hair?
Mind you nature also colors my hair, I was blond and now I am grey 🤣
Lol I to am grey and yes blue is the plan just a temp color that only lasts a few weeks and also a touch in my beard lol
Yes I know I am crazy
Hahaha, so for a few weeks we will call you the "Blue Lizard" lol.
From one crazy to another, who wants to be normal lol.
Blue Lizard, I do like that LOL, and from Tuesday Afternoon :)
Signed and sealed from Tuesday you will be the Blue Lizard!
And when you get the yellow mini with that yellow streak in your hair, then you will be named "Mellow Yellow"
LMAO Lulu can be mellow yellow in the mini
I will be the blue lizard fir a while
Sis JJ!
I just asked my mother in law Mrs. Google what LMAO means!
Imagine my shock 🤣
Now Marian is printing a list of all Internet abbreviations 2020.
So soon I will also be able to speak gobblygook. LMAO.