Wednesday Walk at Neds Point

in Wednesday Walk2 months ago

Wednesday Walk at Neds Point

This post if for Wednesday walk challenge
Any questions about the challenge read the guide at the Bottom of the post ;)

Good Morning

For these weeks post I am sharing some shots from a visit to Neds Point in Mattapoisett MA a few Months back when it was nice and warm

neds point-4.jpg

Sony A7iv 17mm F10 13 ISO 100
Click here to view larger

I focus mostly on the lighthouse there I do love lighthouses, but for this post I will share some shots of the rest of the area
Such as by the car park your looking over the water which is lovely especially when there is a gorgeous sunrise, but still nice even with more moody skies

neds point-3.jpg

Sony A7iv 20mm F8 30 second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Its possible to walkalong the beach, I often see a couple walking there dog along here when I visit, there is a sign saying private property a little down the beach, I havent walked by it but it doesnt stop the couple I see walking there dog

neds point-6.jpg

Sony A7iv 21mm F8 10 second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

On the beach again

neds point-2.jpg

Sony A7iv 20mm F8 130 second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

and back near the lighthouse is this hut

neds point-5.jpg

Sony A7iv 28mm F10 4 second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Its also a spot I like playing around with light painting

neds point.jpg

Sony A7iv 20mm F11 47 second ISO 100
Click here to view larger

Wednesday Walk is a challenge started by me, the idea is to get out for a short walk and get some shots of what you can see within a short distance of your home office or wherever you start. And this is my entry for this week, but first, let me explain the challenge.

This is my post for the Wednesday Walk challenge hosted by myself, let me first explain the guidelines

Try and get out once a week for a short walk, can be from your office, home or anywhere really and walk for a few blocks or a few minutes looking for things to get shots of.

Your walk does not have to be on a Wednesday I just ask if possible to share your walk photos on a Wednesday.

Try and get a few shots not just one

Add a bit of a write up about where you walked

Just one Wednesday Walk tagged post a week

You can look for anything in general or decide on one subject you want to get shots off.

Make a point of looking around and up and see what you can find to get shots of that otherwise you may miss

Do a post with the shots you get on a Wednesday and tag it with #wednesdaywalk, also if you happen to join, please leave a link to your post in a comment on this post and I will try and visit them all, especially if its not one of the first 5 tags or I may miss seeing it .

Following me and re-Hiving the post so more see it would be appreciated but isn't a rule just a suggestion.

I am not strict on these rules and hence why they are called guidelines and not rules

I will try and visit, and upvote all who take part in the Wednesday Walk.

I hope a few of you may find this an interesting challenge and decide to join in.

unless stated otherwise all photos used in my posts are taken and owned by myself, if you wish to use any of my images please contact me.

Wednesday walk footer.jpg

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Cheers and !BEER

BEERHey @pixresteemer, here is a little bit of from @tattoodjay for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

Good morning @tattoodjay. The morning atmosphere is very beautiful with the appearance of orange light. The picture you took is very nice. I like it. Thank you, happy days.

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated

Have a great day

Thank you again, I hope you are always healthy and happy.

How did you make the purple patterns on the lighthouse? -

I have a couple of torches that you can program to shine in different colors and patterns and thenn some light blades that attach to them I use that for light painting

Have a great day

Is this something special or can I do this with any light source? - I want to try.

well I bought a programmable light that changes colors and patterns which enables some cool effects, but it is possible to use a normal flash light and make some attachments say out of perspex and do light painting and you could even add colored gels to make different colors

Great - I'll try it with a regular flashlight first. I need to understand how it works, I only know that a long exposure is needed. I'll look for a video on YouTube about similar photos.

Yes your right a long exposure is needed, i setup my camera on a tripod, but if you dont have one of course you could sit it on a sturday surface, for these I generally shoot for 1 minute at least depending on how dark it is

Have fun trying it out and if you share any please tag me so I can see

I'll definitely let you know - my son will help me with this unusual photography)
I bought the tripod last month, but I haven't used it yet - now I have a reason to try it out!

BEERHey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @russia-btc for you. Enjoy it!

Learn how to earn FREE BEER each day by staking your BEER.

I haven't been to the beach in MA before, it looks beautiful 😍 We're headed out for a walk in the snow later today while my daughter is off school, so I'm hoping to post today : )

Enjoy your walk with your daughter :)

the view was so nice

That's a cool photo with the light painting! Maybe the people who own the dog live down that way where it is private. Very interesting!

Thats good point, maybe that couple do a big look first along the roads then through the park and on the beahc back to their place, I had never thought of that as apossibility

Needless to say, I love the photos of the lighthouse. But it looks like it was a great morning for a nice, relaxing walk!

Thanks I to love lighthouses
these shots were from a few walks I have pretty much always been lucky with nice weather when I visited this spot, but then again maybe i only head there on nicer mornings

It's amazing what effect the weather can have in a photo. It can change the whole experience/feeling when looking at that image, isn't it?

What a beautiful place you have visited, I love the shots of the beach and the lighthouse
Beautiful photographs
Happy Wednesday walkHello dear friend @tattoodjay how are you?

thanks it is a lovely spot i love visiting

I'm glad you saved these beautiful photos.
I'm not surprised that you like the lighthouse so much, it's really beautiful.
Thank you very much for showing us these beautiful shots.How are you, Mr. @tattoodjay?

thanks and have a good day

I love lighthouses and the surroundings are fabulous, walking along the water's edge. Also the colours of the sky are beautiful. How relaxing! Thank you for this walk.🤗

thanks I do love both lighthouses and walks by the water so I love this spot

A place that looks like a dream.


I love lighthouses too, such beautiful things from an era now bygone. Those images must make you itching for springtime, to get out there and enjoy the morning again. I liked the light painting on the last image, nicely done. How many lighthouses are there close to where you live? Here I can say none, but back east they are very common!

Yes I feel the same seeing a lighthouse makes me think back to when they were so essesntial for ships as you say a bygone age

and ohh yes I am itching for warmer days, some forecaster are saying it will warm up earlier than previous years, I generally dont have much trust in weather forecasters but I hope they are right this time

well very close to me as in within half an hour drive three Lighthouses but venturing a little futher along the New England coast there are many

Purples are nice. And the light painting shots are fun. Happy #wednesdaywalk 👍

Thanks I do have fun doing the light painting

Cool shots, I see you played with light drawing ;) Nice one

Thanks and yes i slippe din one of my light painting shots

Hola amigo, happy Wednesday✨

Your pictures are always a spectacle, they always convey to me the desire to be able to be in those beautiful places.... You have a good talent quite apart from the quality of the camera, thank you for showing us your work....

Thanks kindly your support is appreciated
photography is a hobby i haver enjoyed for many years and always nice to get such positive feedback
Have a great day

I definitely love the lovely warm colours in the sky, so am looking forward to the warmer spring/ summer months. Coming up quite shortly. Thank you for sharing and keep enjoying your week, do stay warm this winter season :}


Being brought and living most of my life on coasts, I do love a lighthouse!

BEERHey @tattoodjay, here is a little bit of from @pixresteemer for you. Enjoy it!

Do you want to win SOME BEER together with your friends and draw the BEERKING.