Hello Hello Hivians
Last week the UK received a welcome surprise with a wee heatwave which marked the end of summer. And I loved it, the heatwave not the end of summer!
Today for #wednesdaywalk I am going to show you a twofer from Cinderfella. I know today is Thursday but the walk was on Wednesday so that is what counts, in my head at least!
So let's grab a grocery bag and head off down the hill!
Just look at that bonnie blue sky! I told you it was a heatwave.
This building has been renovated and I just love it. They don't make them like they used to.
Do you know what it used to be? The sign sort of gives it away ....
But first let's pop into Lidl and get some essentials.
Eggs oh goodness me what would I do without eggs! Oh no it doesn't bear thinking about!
In fact eggs potatoes and red onions that seem like
oh heck yes the bear necessities of life!
What a film that was, probably the first animated film that I can remember!
Anyway, we need to pay up and get out of here!
Oh fluff me, have you seen the size of the queue?
Fast forward a few minutes and out of the shop, up a wee hill turn right at the traffic lights and we are here..
Down the hill we go ...
There is the gorgeous building. It is beside a burn, what we call a stream, the Tiel burn which actually runs to the sea. Yes it is one of the old mills, and now offices.
Just look at the sky! And here we are looking up at a wee hill.
Actually I call it ...
Murder Hill
Because trust me, when you are walking up it with three or four heavy bags of groceries, it is pure bloody murder!
Half way up murder hill is where a few teams have been murdered right enough.
It is home to RRFC or Raith Rovers Football Club.
They are currently 2nd in the Championship, and playing some tasty free-flowing football by all accounts!
I have dropped off the groceries and now need to head off and pick up Mrs T.
I told you it was a twofer post. The first part was Cinderfella doing his grocery shopping.
So it's adios RRFC
and hello car wash
Do you take your car to be washed by hand?
Usually there is a queue of cars with this one, they do seem quite popular. But now I have timed it well, if we still had our cars we could have gotten them washed.
What are you doing for climate change I wonder?
Time to hang a right. I like this street, can you tell why?
****William Street****, William is one of my middle names!
Can you see the wee red berries of the Rowan tree. Such a distinctive leaf it has.
I do like William Street as a street, this is a typical house.
Here we go though...
Did you see the signs .... Roadworks!
But look at those gorgeous flowers!
Well this is a #wednesdaywalk post after all, so the picture is aimed at us Pedestrians or Walkers ....
Yes, Yes I can read...
Back to the street, this area of town is great, I love the gardens people have. So many bonnie flowers!
Sunflowers, well I think there must be a short stem variety as I seem them quite often here.
But I need to crack on, I am to meet Mrs T so we can go for our walk.
Turning the corner...
we come to one half of the primary school... then we walk on and turn another corner ...
Yes it's the other half of the primary school.
So on we go, quick step now! Can't be late after all!
Take another corner ...
Don't you just love these old buildings. We take them for granted.
Now back to the street we are on! And another of my favourite local streets.
Lady Helen Street, but no I do not have Helen as a middle name!
It is another peaceful street.
I do love tall reeds and bullrushes the wetlands type plants.
Not put their bins away yet. People forget how lucky we are in the UK to have kerbside pickup of our rubbish!
That is a typical semi-detached 2 bedroom bungalow on that side of the street. With some nice flowers in the garden and up the walls!
Can you see the sign?
Let's take another angle.
Yes number 15 is for sale!
See the gorgeous bue sky is still with us.
This part of town is a great area and so close to the seafront too.
Even if some of the gardens display minimalist decor!
The closer you get to the mainroad the more new and shitty looking the buildings become.
If we did move to that house for sale, this building would have been handy.
It is was a doctor's surgery. Unfortunately, they closed it down in July.
This then would appear to be the local deli coffee place.
Great you say.
Nah I say!!
They are never fluffing open!
Talking of which, I don't want to be late ...
The sea, do you see the sea!
Actually, it is never far away. I can't cope if I am too far from the sea.
Look at these gorgeous flowers on the bush by the bus stop ...
Which appear to be Hypericum patulum or Hidcote according to google...
And look there is the bus with Mrs T on it!
I was not late, even with all my dilly dallying to stop and take pictures for this post!
Next stop, a walk in the park.
It is so therapeutic you know.
This concludes my post for this week's #wednesdaywalk challenge hosted by @tattoodjay in collaboration with #makemesmile hosted by @elizacheng.
Thanks for visiting and enjoy the rest of your day!
All images and ramblings are from me, the mad Scotsman TengoLoTodo unless otherwise stated.
@tengolotodo September 14th 2023
Haste Ye Back!
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MAgic, thanks @pinmapple
Lidl kind of looks the same as Aldi's. We have those around here. I think it is a German chain. I could be wrong though. The only place in the US where you have to pay to use a shopping cart! This looks like it was a really great walk and what a beautiful town to stroll around in!
There are German just like Aldi's and we have both of them.
Pay to use a shopping trolley? Here we put a pound coin in the slot to take and then return and take our money back. All supermarkets tend to do that to stop them being stolen, even so you still them all over the place.
Aldi is the only place I know of in the US that does that. People have all kinds of hacks for it. People are real Karen's about it sometimes too.
Yeah we get that here too.
Still remember the murder hill you mentioned before. Why don't you take it everyday, for sure, you'll lose weight 🤣🤣
lol we have a tortuous hill the other side, so do one of the most days hehe
$PIZZA slices delivered:
(1/5) @jane1289 tipped @tengolotodo
It was great to 'walk' with Cinderfella on his grocery shopping trip and back through Murder Hill 😆
I loved this walk, the blue sky, and the old buildings! And the No. 15 house on Lady Helen Street is so gorgeous. I'd love to have a home like that one with a tiny beautiful garden full of flowers.
So Edward William, eh? It sounds very aristocratic, Super Ed 💙
Yeah I do those walks most week days, but the house is quite delightful. The pictures of the inside look braw too Super Eli!
Edward William yep the first two names of my father and his father too hehe!
What a beautiful city, I love period buildings and those that have been built with stones. Beautiful shots, great shots, appreciate you sharing this Wednesday hiking experience
Have a beautiful afternoonHow are you dear friend @tengolotodo good morning
The buildings are cool and I must admit I do love stone buildings. They don't make buildings like that any more.Hi there @jlufer and good evening from Scotland.
Thanks for popping in and have a wonderful rest of your week.
Such nice clear blue skies, we have had so many clouds of recently i have almost forgot what a blue sky looks like
I love the buildings there such style
as for the queues at the market, most times I got as soon as they open the doors at 6Am and hence avoid queues but the odd time I go during the day the sight of the queues sends shivers down my spine LOL
and Yes I have a car wash I take my car to, a mix of the machine the car goes through then they hand finish it off
Thanks or joining the Wednesday Walk :)
Well the blue skies were welcome as we did not see too much of them during July and August!
The buildings, funnily enough I was just talking to someone about taking them for granted. It might be quite normal to see them here but not everywhere has buildings like that!
This market Lidl's takes cuts costs so the staff do everything, they only keep one line open and then open another line when it is busy.
Thanks Jay and enjoy the rest of your week.
I remember visiting a lidl when I was there, seeing so many things I was used to when growing back in NZ up but had not seen them for ages I went nuts LOL
Same thing with stores here less checkouts, and many going for self checkout
You really took your Time to do this
A nice walk with beautiful pictures 😊
I almost started reading until my brain told me to go back and I saw well it was... Cinderfella not the Ella who married the Prince charming.
Everywhere shown looks so good my fluffy Teng and the pictures feels alive.
Hello dearest dreemer. Happy Tuesday and it is the day to share your beats on Hive because it is ttt!. I hope you let the tunes you are sharing makes your day filled music. I waltzed in from #dreemport for I am an amazing #dreemer. An awesomely made #dreemerforlife.
I came across this post on my first day with Dreem and I think I'm supposed to use the #dreemport tag. If not. Oops.
Thanks for taking me on a walk through the streets of somewhere in Scotland. Not sure you mentioned which town as Cinderfella didn't come up as a town in Scotland. As I have some Scottish roots in Thurso I was a little curious if this area would be anywhere nearby.
Also was kind of wondering about the wording. Were you Scottish writing normally or placing a little extra emphasis on making it sound Scottish. Hmmmm.....
Regardless I enjoyed the post.
Thank you.
Seems like your day went nicely, the view is beautiful and walking helps to calm the body a lot. Thanks for sharing this with us.
A beautiful bright sunny day to take an enjoyable walk except for the burden of the grocery bag of course lol.
'Williams street'reminds me of an estate named 'Glory Estate' I love there too😂 not because it's sophisticated, but because of the name Glory, same as my first name, lol, so you are not alone.
By the way, #dreemport brought me here, I'm a #dreemerforlife