Giant circle: History, water mill, waterfall and healing Counts' water

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago

Hi, dear Hive community,

We decided to take a circular path leaving the car in the nearby parking place, where we will reach at the end.


The first kilometer was going through two smaller villages. They are close to our home, but the climate is already so different. It's much more warm and Mediterranean. We spotted many palm trees, many fruit trees and even some banana trees! Incredible!

After a while, the marks on the main road told us that we need to continue upward to reach our goal. However, we saw that there are some sightseeing from the past also down under the village. We came down and saw an old wreckage, thinking that this must be it. Only later we saw a board indicating we need to go behind the houses. Then we saw big caves and tunnels under a big rock. They were serving as a sleeping place and dining room for the Italian soldiers in World War I. There was a remaining sign to whom this area had belonged to.





On the way, there were so many things drawing our attention. Around the corner on the top of the village Gabrje there is a big Chapel dedicated to soldiers which passed away here. The bodies were moved to nearby Gorizia in Italy, so all the victims of Italy can rest together. In the Chapel you can see all the names and statue of one Alpini bowing in front of another soldier's dead body.




Continuing the road, we fast reached the next interesting sightseeing - a big wooden water mill surrounded by interesting, old buildings. It reminded of some fairy tale scenes, like in Hansel and Gretel.




From here the elevation started. The path was getting stepper and narrow. On the way we saw many big trees and animals like snails.

The waterfall was cascading down and gave us some refreshment with its drops. The stream was powerful because it was raining just few days ago.

After 15 minutes, we reached our goal, named the Count's water. We tasted it and it was really fresh, cold and of excellent taste. Next time we need to bring some extra bottles to take it home as well.

Here are one story we found online:
"According to folklore, the Count's water is one of the healing waters. Its healing power is among the world's top according to radio-ethical measurements. It is pure, fresh, rich in minerals and has a positive energetic effect on the whole body. It springs from the depths, flows from the rock and never dries up, not even in the driest periods."






According to another oral tradition, this water was carried to the Count of Tolmin to the castle on Kozlov rob. He believed that by drinking this water he would stay young forever. That would be nice, ha?






Thank you for reading! Wish you a nice rest of this sunny day!


What an interesting place and full of history, the writings on the memorial are very touching, and the neighbours looks so green and peaceful, the donkey it's super cute 😍

Hi GM,
We are happy to see that you like the nature and sounding places. The history has left marks and they are still in visible though the history. :)