Wednesday walk - surfers, traditional houses and robot garden

Hi dear Hive friends and #Wednesdaywalk enthusiasts!

Today we are walking around a village called Born am Darß in North Germany.

The walk took us through fieleds and along the lake Bodden. There we sat down and observe the surfers and kites. The water is low and warm, so it's a paradise for this kind of water activities.



Further, we reached to the heart of the village, which remained very traditional. Houses are made with shilf roof which is typical for this region. It's good for isolation, but it needs a lot of maintainance. Many roads are still made out of sand, which we love, as it's such a better feeling than walking on asphalt and stone roads.







The highlight of the walk was seeing the garden full of robots made from kitchen material, car parts and everyday tools. The artist really did it well, as every robot is unique.




For today this was enough as we could still feel the muscles from the day before.
Hope you enjoyed it!

Till next time


such a beautiful area, loved the windmill, but that garden of robots is awesome what a cool find

Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk :)

The robots were a surprise and so unexpected. The artist had plenty of imagination creating those.
Wish you a great day! 😀

What beautiful houses, I really liked the robots. Very nice pictures, thanks for sharing. Best regards.

The area by the Northern sea is very special with interesting villages. We enjoyed a lot!
Thank you for stopping by. Wish you a nice day! 😀