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RE: Cold Morning in Madrid

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

They immediately called and asked for understanding, and offered another available accommodation. Well, the hotel that we choose ( not that we had many choices) as the replacement was more than superb and comfortable. I loved it!

A positive outcome from a negative experience.

I love the fact that motorcars have restricted access to the city center. It makes walking a lot more pleasant... and it is clear you walked a lot that day. I saw you in the window...sunglasses perched on head .. and I saw the kissing couple {smile}

We shall be in Madrid in the near future {crosses thumbs superstitiously} .. Just a few hurdles to overcome first.


Yes, a positive outcome. I was not looking at that as a negative thing, but husb left a comment on their page and that was the trigger for ring ring sorry sorry in no time 😂

Yay, you saw the couple 😇

Fingers crossed, so you can enjoy Spain soon!! :)