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RE: Wednesday Walk : A beachcombing morning on a chilly New England shore

Checking in after some time absent, I find this - wonderful story and great photos!
Many years ago I tried to take some Bullwhip kelp home to Alberta from the West Coast - silly me, it started to smell already on the way back in the car. So I dropped it in the ditch somewhere in Yoho Park. Thinking back at this I wonder if anyone seen it and scratched their head as to how it got there!


Glad you are back @thermoplastic you were missed. I hope all is well.

That is so funny, your story of taking the whelks, I remember once as a child wanting to take some seaweeds home (actually it was the 'drowned man's fingers algae' hooked to a shell) and after a few hours, when the heat of the car began to express all the sea water out of it, it wasn't so wonderful anymore haha.

Just think of the person who DID find that treasure in Yoho Park, a rare shell to take home.

Once they dry out, as you said, they are not much too look at anymore. I was just impressed by the length of it because as the name says, they look like bull whips.

Oh I realize what you mentioned you had taken with you haha, well I do wonder what someone thought of it? I wonder if an animal gave it a snif and tried it out to see if he'd like it for luncheon haha @thermoplastic