In 2024 my wife and I celebrate our 27th wedding anniversary and, as every year, we set several goals and objectives that include visiting places of interest to us that include all kinds of sites: cultural, recreational, historical, heritage, educational; among others.

This year we set out to visit a place that was a dream for both of us, especially when we lived in the east of the country because we saw it on television and because a friend of ours who visited it told us about it.
This was one of the pretexts we had to visit the Sloppy Joes Bar and, in this way, we fulfilled our dream and used our wedding anniversary party to do it.
When we entered, we were delighted because the place recreates its founding years back in 1917. I was very impressed by the layout of the place, the music played, the quality of the gastronomic service and the good treatment of its workers, very young, by the way.
But what struck me most were the photographs on the walls. In them, you can see great icons of world sports such as Babe Ruth or greats of the music scene such as Benny Moré, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Rita Montaner and many more.
When we inquired about the large number of artists on the walls of the bar, we were told that, at that time, the United States was under the Prohibition Law, which prohibited the sale and consumption of alcoholic beverages, so many celebrities came to Havana to enjoy its natural beauties and, incidentally, to drink the famous Cuban beverage.
We had an incredible evening, learned about the history of the place, enjoyed its exquisite gastronomy and shared some refreshing drinks.
This was a different way to celebrate our wedding anniversary and we both enjoyed it very much.
Note: I used the translator DeepL Translate.
The photos are my own, taken with my Samsung J2 phone.
En el 2024 mi esposa y yo celebramos nuestro 27 aniversario de unión matrimonial y, como cada año, nos trazamos varias metas y objetivos que incluyen visitar lugares de interés para nosotros que incluyen todo tipo de sitios: culturales, recreativos, históricos, patrimoniales, educativos; entre otros.

Este año nos propusimos visitar un lugar que para los dos significaba un sueño, sobre todo, cuando vivíamos en el oriente del país porque lo veíamos por televisión y por lo que nos contó un amigo nuestro que lo visitó.
Este fue uno de los pretextos que tuvimos para visitar el Sloppy Joes Bar y, de esa manera, cumplimos nuestro sueño y utilizamos nuestra fiesta de aniversario de bodas para hacerlo.
Cuando entramos, quedamos encantados porque el lugar recrea sus años de fundados allá por el año 1917. Me impactó mucho la disposición del lugar, la música que se escucha, la calidad del servicio gastronómico y el buen trato de sus trabajadores, muy jóvenes, por cierto.
Pero, lo que más me impactó fueron las fotografías pegadas en las paredes. En ellas, puedes ver a grandes íconos del deporte mundial como Babe Ruth o grandes de la escena musical como Benny Moré, Frank Sinatra, Nat King Cole, Rita Montaner y muchos más.
Al indagar sobre la gran cantidad de artistas presentes en las paredes del bar nos explicaron que, en esa época, en los Estados Unidos estaba aplicada la Ley Seca, consistente en la prohibición de la venta y consumo de bebidas alcohólicas, por lo que muchas celebridades llegaron a La Habana a disfrutar de sus bellezas naturales y, de paso, consumir la famosa bebida cubana.
Pasamos una velada increíble, conocimos de la historia del lugar, disfrutamos de su exquisita gastronomía y compartimos alguna que otra bebida refrescante.
Esta fue una manera diferente de celebrar nuestro aniversario de casados y, ambos, la disfrutamos mucho.
Nota: He utilizado el traductor DeepL Translate.
Las fotos son de mi propiedad, tiradas con mi teléfono Samsung J2.
nice moment
So it was.
We had a very nice day. It was simple, but, very much to the liking of both of us. Happy Wednesday. Cheers and greetings.
I remember seeing sloppy joes on a tv show and was intrigued by it so it was cool to see this post, looks amazing
Thanks for joining the Wednesday walk :)
It happened to me because the first time I saw this place was on television, but I did not live in Havana, where it is located.
When I moved to the Cuban capital I had the chance to go and I loved what I saw.
Thank you for your words.
Happy Wednesday.
Greetings and best regards.
El lugar es muy bonito, me encantaron las fotos. Felicitaciones a ambos por su feliz unión❤️🌹🤗
Muchas gracias estimada @osismi. Un abrazo inmenso y mucha salud. Feliz jornada.