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RE: Close to Home

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Almost no parks at all! Athens is a very inhuman capital city. Of course it has other beauties and a chaotic charming character! The city center luckily has two big gardens and two wonderful hills, but what about all the other neighborhoods? You would be surprised how intense the lack of green is in Athens... Adn you would consider yourself very lucky and this park huge and beautiful, haha!

I wonder what it was like to go from living in such a crowded city to living in the small village on the island.

It felt surprisingly natural to be here. I guess the timing is important. A few years before we actually moved I wouldn't have thought of living here! Crazy how things change and how we move on in life sometimes!

Markos is always excited to be in a city park, although it is indeed overwhelming :)


The sins of big cities, big crowds of people... For various reasons, I have not traveled abroad at an age when travel is easy and curiosity is high. I would have liked to visit London, Paris, Rome, Athens... Now I don't. It's probably somewhat similar to you leaving the city. I like it in Thassos, in Limenaria where we are going, because I see people's life, simple and small as ours is but we have to learn from the Greek way of life, which suits me. Since high school, my favorite song was Deep Purple's Lazy. I don't mean in any way that Greeks, from what I have seen, are lazy. But I like that there is a kind of respect for rest, for meditation (the great philosophers...).
Me, when I wondered about your move I thought how it was in the first days, weeks until you got used to the change.
I'm so glad you're enjoying your stay in the village and I must say your olive orchard looks wonderful!

I have also changed the way I (dream to) travel! Not Paris, but some small villages and the vineyards at the South etc...

how it was in the first days, weeks until you got used to the change.

This is one of my favorite stories! I was very cool with moving, not anxious at all, and the last two days I freaked out! What am I going to do, I will get bored, there's nothing there, I don't have friends... So I started dowloading movies and organising my books like crazy!
6 months after, I had read no book and we had seen half of a movie because we fell asleep :) We were so tired physically, since from the beginning we started working on an abandoned field (a great failure and a great lesson!) and so excited at the same time, that we had no time to get bored, not even to think!

Yes, exactly. That's where I'd like to go.

Very nice story about moving to the island. I would have been stressed from day one. It was good for you, and I can see it's even better now. Obviously, there were mistakes, best to learn from mistakes, even if it is painful.

There are always mistakes! Another important lesson in those first attempts was that when it comes to nature, a mistake can take a whole year to be fixed. Patience!

Yes, patience is good in everything.