Pozdrav setaci, jeste li se umorili, ja se nikad ne umorim od dobre setnje, provoda, i zabave. Danas vas vodim na proslavu berbe grozdja u mome malom gradu Vrscu.
Hello walkers, are you tired, I never get tired of a good walk, party, and fun. Today I am taking you to celebrate the grape harvest in my small town of Vrsac.
Dani berbe grozdja obelezavaju se svakog septembra, vec 64 godina. Prvi zapis o Vrsackom vinu staro je preko 500 godina,jedno bure vina prodato je na Austrijskom dvoru, vinogradi su posadjeni na 1500 hektara, i podrum vina je 3 po veličini u svetu. Sve ostalo je zabava grozdje i vino.
Grape harvest days have been celebrated every September for 64 years. The first record of Vrsac wine is over 500 years old, one barrel of wine was sold at the Austrian court, vineyards are planted on 1500 hectares, and the wine cellar is the 3rd largest in the world. Everything else is fun grapes and wine.
Na početku proslave koja traje tri dana otvaranje i vatromet. Sva tri dana prepuna su desavanja preko celog dana i noci, a obavezno je pecenje kobasica i pijenje vina.
At the beginning of the celebration, which lasts for three days, there is an opening and fireworks. All three days are full of events throughout the day and night, and grilling sausages and drinking wine are mandatory.
U gradu dolazi veliki broj gostiju preko 100 000. Narodne igre iz nekoliko zemalja sirom sveta. Lose vreme ove godine ipak nije pokvarilo raspolaganje. Bio je pun grad.
a large number of guests come to the city, over 100,000. Folk dances from several countries around the world. The bad weather this year did not spoil the availability. The city was full.
Za decu Luna park i zabava,voznja.
For children Luna Park and entertainment, rides.
Pricao bi ja Jos i svetao al moram da završim starom Vrsackom pesmom.
Iz Vrsca stizem glas u vinu lezi spas,ko vino nepije taj nek se ubije.
Dodjite u Vrsac on je divan stalno.
Pozdrav od Ujka-VS
I would still talk and shine, but I have to end with an old song from Vrsac.
I am coming from Vrsac. There is salvation in wine. He who does not drink wine should kill himself.
Come to Vrsac, it's wonderful all the time.
Greetings from Uncle-VS
The grape as a sacred fruit from which this drink of youth has been produced since ancient times - the wine... or in this case it is not wine in particular, but simply the harvest of this magical fruit from which so many magical things are produced... 😊 is able to gather and unite so many people. And only for good things - eating, drinking, celebrating and having fun. Isn't it remarkable?
I'm sure it was fun. It shows in your photos.
A glass of good wine and good company are always pleasant, long live