Pozdrav prijatelji, jeste li za setnju? Vodim vas trenutno na najlepse mesto na svetu. U moj grad Vrsac na sajam cveca.
Hello friends, are you up for a walk? I am currently taking you to the most beautiful place in the world. To my city Vrsac for a flower fair.
Sam grad Vrsac okruzen je prirodom a u samom gradu ima puno parkova, ulicama su posadjeni drvoredi a mnoge kuce su uradjene bastama cveca, pa grad izgleda kao da raste izmedju cveca i drveca, jos kad je ovakav dogadjaj kao sajam cveca grad izgleda kao iz bajke, ulepsan sarenilom cveca i mirisom, zelenilom drveca, belinom cvetova vocki, i lepotom japanske crvenolisne sljive, pa kad tek procveta kesten rozih i belih cvetova.
The town of Vrsac is surrounded by nature and there are many parks in the town, tree lines are planted in the streets and many houses are made of flower gardens, so the town looks like it grows between flowers and trees, even when such an event as a flower fair the town looks like a fairy tale. adorned with colorful flowers and fragrance, green trees, white fruit blossoms, and the beauty of Japanese red-leaved plums, so that when the chestnut of pink and white flowers just blooms.
Sama manifestacija odrzava se tradicionalno na centralnom trgu, i okuplja veliki broj posetilaca i izlagaca cveca. Ove godine cak 60 izlagaca iz cele Srbije.
The event itself is traditionally held in the central square, and gathers a large number of visitors and flower exhibitors. This year, as many as 60 exhibitors from all over Serbia.
Ukrasno, bastensko, sobno cvece, cetinari, listopadno drvece, bastenske figure i saksije.
Ornamental, garden, indoor flowers, conifers, deciduous trees, garden figures and flower pots.
Ove godine sajam cveca odrzava se izmedju dva uskrsa, katolickog i pravoslavnog, pa je bilo prilike da se izloze i uskrsnji ukrasi, gde se izdvajao ovaj uskrsnji zeka.
This year, the flower fair is held between two Easter, Catholic and Orthodox, so there was an opportunity to exhibit Easter decorations, where this Easter bunny stood out.
Ja i moja porodica proveli smo lep dan, prosetali i kuci doneli ovaj lep cvet.
My family and I had a beautiful day, walked and brought home this beautiful flower.
Setnja sredom je zavrsena. Lepo, suncano prolece i puno cveca zelim vam.
The walk is over on Wednesday. I wish you a beautiful, sunny spring and lots of flowers.
Such a beautiful walk a many fresh and colorful flowers
Thanks for joining Wednesday Walk :), I truly enjoy exploring the world virtually each Wednesday seeing walks from all around the globe and feeling I am there and experiencing it all myself, such as I did in your post just now :)
posto su bili kuranfili samo pitam zbog dede
Samo mus kate
@Ljuba moler. what a beautiful fair, I would be cute checking house ornaments.
We have a lot of home decorations and garden, owl, frog, elephant, dwarf ... It's still cold and the garden has not bloomed yet. As soon as it starts to bloom, I send photos. Hello.