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RE: Train journey and some reflections on the disappearance of the country.

"The military might be pushed to take side."

I am poorly informed as to Thai governance and it's political history, but vaguely aware it is a Monarchy, and only due to my geographical interest generally able to place it on a map. However, my recollection is that from time to time military intervention is undertaken in Thailand, and it is because of the staunch support of the military that Thailand maintains it's monarchy. I recall reading some years ago that the majority of the Thai people supported the last intervention of the military into Thai political affairs.


Yup! Your knowledge on our contemporary political history is correct. You must be an avid reader and researcher.
The military supported the monarchy and most people accept this condition. The newly programmed or indoctrinated young people, who were taught by leftist professors, would be used to divide the country. People who know about this plan to destroy the monarchy would have to resist. So, various infiltrators and factions have been trying to create conditions for confrontations and unrest.
Many politicians, technocrats, academics, civil servants and businessmen belong to the secret societies; so they had to follow their orders.
I think it’s inevitably that some kind of confrontation would occur in the future.

It seems this old playbook has been applied in many countries around the world. The Great Reset and New World Order are a menace to humanity.

The Great Reset and New World Order are a menace to humanity.


More people should try to stop these horrible plans. But I am afraid most of my friends would never try to change anything. I have gone over the sadness of having to witness friends and families fallen through the traps. It’s going to be a lonely journey