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RE: Tales of a Tree and other Stories

in Wednesday Walk4 years ago

some details from your regular living places feel like these places are very calm and quiet in comparison to the crazy fast-changing and too dynamic style life in my country. But sure that every place has it own disadvantages and advantages.
Seafood is one of my fav edible products. I don't use to eat meat, sometimes fish, but always when i can - seafood. It is too expensive here, even is not Kosher.
I never used the leaves of the Equaliptuses. There is some use by ?


Every place has advantages and disadvantages. Truth.

I eat meat, but, it is only occasionally and seafood has always been in my life. I am a product of growing up oceanside. The coastline is long here and seafood is abundant. Most of us fish/catch our own or have neighbors/friends that do and then, they always spread the wealth. My cousin also owns a small fleet of fishing vessels.

There are some uses for Eucalyptus leaves! I pulled this from the internet as they had it all nicely packaged. :))

Tea. Use tea bags made from ground eucalyptus leaves.
Aromatherapy. Add a few drops of eucalyptus essential oil to a diffuser or steam bowl.
Whole leaves. Hang the leaves in your shower or add them to your bath for a relaxing spa-like experience.
Bug repellent. Purchase or make a bug repellent with lemon eucalyptus essential oil.
Topical. Add a few drops of eucalyptus oil into a carrier oil, such as fractionated coconut oil, and apply it to your chest to ease congestion.

ah i see. i just use the eucalyptus oil sometimes. no more. interesting to try some of these .
tea and aromatherapy are sounds great to me
I have a Moringa tree in my garden but nothing did with it. have to do some healthy tea from the tiny leaves.

You should try it! I think the aromatherapy is wonderful! You have a Moringa Tree? How lucky! You can use every part of the tree! The tea is herbal but tastes a tad earthy and less bitter than most green teas. You can eat the bark, pods, leaves, nuts, seeds, and flowers! Everything is edible. You can also put the leaves in salads. I have to say some say you can eat the tubers and roots, some say you cannot, so I err on the side of safety. :)

I know. I know. We only live once. :)