Concert of the Mixed Voice Ensemble of UPEL - IPB

in Wednesday Walk8 months ago

Greetings my fellow members of the #wednesdaywalk community, today I want to share with you a little bit of a choir I was in, for some time now at the UPEL university the professor of language and musical execution is teaching us academic music which we have been practicing for several months and we have performed twice already with her, The choir is called "Ensamble de Voces Mixtas de la UPEL-IPB", the professor has been taking care of teaching us and looking for places where we can perform, this time we performed at the Biotel Suite Hotel located at Av. Libertad with Redoma del Obelisco Lara Venezuela.

We arrived at the hotel before nine o'clock in the morning and while we were waiting to start setting up and rehearsing we took some pictures and were enjoying the beautiful place, the day was cool because it was rainy today, at nine o'clock we started to set up everything, we warmed up a little and rehearsed before starting.

The activity begins on the first floor of the hotel at eleven in the morning with the first song which was Popule Meus by Jose Angel Lamas is a religious song that speaks a little of one of the moments of the death of Jesus, after a few brief words of the teacher Lola Mujica which was also the one who directed us, we continue with Lacrymosa from the Requiem of W.A. Mozart is a piece that speaks of a day of tears and mourning in which one day humanity will turn out to be a religious theme as the previous one, I could say from my point of view that it is a sad and emotional theme. Mozart this piece speaks of a day of tears and mourning in which one day humanity will be sorry also a religious theme as the previous one, I could say from my point of view that it is a sad and emotional theme, for the last song Gloria de la Miss Criolla by Ariel Ramirez this song is more cheerful and moving where the glory is given to God, ending with a more cheerful and worshipful theme, in this piece the instruments used are not common orchestra the protagonist in this piece six the charango.

For me this activity was a great experience, previously I had sung these same pieces with the poro choir in a church, this was also more secular and open to the general public, later we hope to continue representing the university in other places, after completing the activity the teacher gives a closing speech and the hotel manager also gives a word of thanks.

At the end of everything at the hotel we were invited to have some snacks in a beautiful room where there were several types of rooms, culminating everything around two o'clock in the afternoon when we retired to our homes.

Here is a link to a video Biotel uploaded to his Instagram account Link to video.