hello all.. Happy weekend..!!!!
Gh simple..
Gh minimalist
Gh is a mercurial
At alhamdulillah it has been over 2 years stands still and continues to produce continuously (nonstop).
Anyone would like to know the manajement pattern, accounting for the cost of hydroponic gardening, or an easy market system
Farming is cheap
The aim is to be the best for the crops we grow.
GH sederhana..
GH Minimalis
GH Murah meriah...
Alhamdulillah sdh 2thn lebih msh berdiri kokoh dan terus produksi tanpa henti (Nonstop)
Ada yg mau tau tekhnik manajement pola tanam,menghitung biaya produksi berkebun hidroponik,atau sistem market yg mudah.
Bertani itu sederhana...
Tujuannya yaitu menjadi yg terbaik bagi tanaman yg kita tanam.