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RE: Cows, Clover and Honeysuckle

in Wednesday Walk3 years ago

Do you live near any cows?

Some of the villagers have goats, but I do not know about any cows. But maybe someone have one or more. Approximately 200 people lives in this village. The villagers keep various kinds of animals, and this currently includes me too, with my Harris's hawk, but probably I will not be a resident of this village for much longer. I have to move out of my current rent before 2022.09.10. I have not found any other place so far, where people would allow me with my Harris's hawk. Probably I will buy and live in a car.


Have you tried to call the mayor yet? I am sure itvwill get you nowhere, but it wouldnt hurt to try.

You are aboutvto become homeless, that should give you some incentive.

She was the first person I spoke to, after I received the letter, but of course I will ask her again, and I keep calling various people. I already called dozens of people every day since that, so I am constantly trying, but so far no one is willing to accept my Harris's hawk in/around their house. And I heard that some people are looking for a rent since months. I have less than one month to find a place.

I honestly think you are asking a lot of people when you want the hawk to be allowed in the house. That is above and beyond.

I think it's animal cruelty to keep an animal such as that confined in a small space, where it can't roam as nature intended.